Monday, March 14, 2011

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The Laws of Shame: a 1998 law Dell'Utri

D'Alema Government: Centre-left

14) Law Dell'Utri 1: Appellate plea bargain in 1998

In December 1998, right in the appeal trial of Senator Marcello Dell'Utri , condannalo in Turin to 3 years in first grade for the false invoices Publitalia, the lawyer Senator Valentine, a veteran of the law Sofri, presents a pro Dell'Utri in the silence of the center-left (one hand washes the other). The rule reinstates the settlement cleared on appeal in 1990 by the Consulta. But Dell'Utri on appeal did not plea bargain and is sentenced again, this time in 3 years and 2 months in case of confirmation to the Supreme Court, finirà in galera.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Read Dragon Ball Doujinshi

Laws Shame: 1998 Law Sofri

Governo Prodi 1: centro-sinistra

13) Legge Sofri 1998

Appena la Corte d’Appello di Milano respinge l'istanza di revisione delle condanne di Sofri, Bompressi e Pietrostefani per il delitto Calabresi, un gruppo di senatori di destra e sinistra presentano subito una legge che sposta il giudizio sulla revisione dei processi nella Corte d’Appello più vicina a quella dove si sono celebrati. Relatore della norma ad personam, il senatore di An Giuseppe Valentino. Così la revisione per Sofri & C. può essere riesaminata a Brescia e di qui, una volta re-mouth, in Venice, where he eventually goes back to the process and Sofri & C. are reconvicted.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Laws Shame: Shame in 1998 Carotti

a Prodi government: center-left

12) 1998 Carotti

rules to accompany the "sole judge" established by the Minister Flick to streamline processes (removal of the Courts and their attorney, judge sitting alone for minor offenses) are grouped in the package Carotti (a member of the PPI), which prolongs the process. In fact adds a new trial stage to the four existing ones. After preliminary investigations, and before the preliminary hearing and the three levels of courts, is stuck on the "deposit of documents" (Article 415bis of the Code of Criminal Procedure). At the expiry of the investigation, rather than asking immediately for trial for the suspects, the prosecutor must notify them of a notice of closure of the investigation "with a summary of allegations and submit to them all the papers the investigation. The suspect has 20 days to request a hearing, submit documents and briefs, the public prosecutor ordered new investigations. So the prosecutor has to re-open the investigation for a few more months or years, and only at the end was finally able to prosecute. Resulting in increasingly broadening times already biblical justice, undermining the beneficial effect of the reform the single judge.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Laws: 1998-Simeon Saracens

a Prodi government: center-left

11) Simeon - Saracens 1998

the eve of the final ruling of the process which would result in prison Enimont Forlani, Citaristi, Pomicino Sama and Bisignani, right and left hastily approve the law-Simeon Saracens (a National Alliance, the other of the PDS), which spared jail anyone who has served less than three years. With the law Gozzini, who is serving a prison sentence or a residue of less than 3 years may, from prison to do it 'probation with the social services' (ie outside). With Simeone-Saraceni, the final sentence to less than 3 years remains on the loose: a suspended sentence until the police can notify the conviction of the person, hand delivered. Then the person applying for custody, the supervising judge for review and decides whether to accept it or not, then the police must find him again and notify the measure in hand. So, if it is negative, not just the offender being found to be free forever, with suspended sentence indefinitely.

Average Tuxedo Rental Cost 2010

Campagnola Emilia: Sunday, April 3 of the Reuse Market

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Renaissance Technologies Medallion 2010

Laws Shame: 1999 Due Process

Governo D’Alema: centro-sinistra

10) Giusto Processo 1999

Nel 1998 la Consulta cancella il nuovo articolo 513 perché incostituzionale. Ma i partiti di destra e sinistra, terrorizzali dalla ricomparsa delle prove che speravano di aver seppellito per sempre, trasformano addirittura la legge incostituzionale in legge costituzionale e la infilano nella Carta a tempo di record (nove mesi per la doppia lettura Camera-Senato-Camera-Senato), all'articolo 111, battezzato «giusto processo»: è una delle prime mosse del governo D’Alema, sostenuto per l’occasione from one hundred right. The allegations, even if Lance is a simple witness, not worth anything if recorded only in the pm rather than the court. Thousands of jobs up in smoke, even the mafia. Only vote against the League, the DiPietro Elio Veltri and five deputies prodiani.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Laws Shame: 1997 Article 513 of the Code of Criminal Procedure Laws

a Prodi government: center-left

9) Article 513 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1997

Article 513 of the Criminal Procedure Code regulates the usability of the statements recorded by the prosecutor during the investigation. On July 31, 1997 I left right and change radically, if before the courts could use the accusations Tizio Caio thrown from a stage in the investigation even though Tom did negotiate the penalty or the judge separately from Caio expedited and it appeared to reaffirm in the trial of Gaius, from now onwards will have to discard. The transitional rule applies the new rule retroactively, forcing judges to remake from scratch all the processes, especially those of Tangentopoli. That, over time you lose, end up in almost all prescription, or even acquittal because the evidence has been abolished by law.

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Chemicals in the home: what to avoid and why

It 'really impressive the amount of chemicals we have at home. The problem is that many of them can be harmful to health. Their effect is not directly visible to this abuse often do not think that we do, but the danger lies in the sum of many little effect together day after day.
addition, these products end up in the air and into surface waters, polluting the environment.
So when possible, it is better to reduce the use or replace them with environmentally friendly products from natural sources. But often you do not have time to experiment new roads and we rely on the practice of supermarkets. But there is information that is important to know that advertising certainly does not reveal.
Here we try to give you some.

Monday, March 7, 2011

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Shame: 1997 Abuse of office

a Prodi government: center-left

8) Abuse of office 1997

On 1 July 1997 left and right decriminalize the offense of abuse of office "not capital": that the public official who commits an act contrary to his official duties, but you can not show that it had an advantage expressed in monetary terms. Are thus legalized favoritism, the subdivisions, the nepotism, rigged competitions, the recommendations in the public service. The abuse remains a crime capital, but only if committed "intentionally": to punish him, the court must demonstrate that she was committed to encourage a person to another disadvantage. And the maximum penalty for the latter case, however, is significantly reduced, from 5 to 3 years imprisonment, con tre conseguenze: niente più custodia cautelare; niente più intercettazioni; termini di prescrizione dimezzati (da 15 anni a 7 e mezzo). In 7 anni e mezzo concludere un'inchiesta e celebrare l'udienza preliminare e i tre gradi di giudizio è praticamente impossibile: di fatto, l'abuso è depenalizzato anche nella sua versione patrimoniale.

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Ecosystem School 2011: report on construction of school Legambiente

Anche per questa undicesima edizione del dossier, i 93 Comuni capoluogo di Provincia che hanno restituito i dati relativi al 2009 raccontano che ancora circa il 36% degli edifici necessita di interventi di manutenzione urgenti. Un dato questo che, se confrontato con in risultati degli anni passati, non accenna a scendere ed evidenzia la permanente difficoltà Local Authorities to take up a decrepit housing stock for about 65% was built before 1974, the year of entry into force of the measures for buildings located in seismic areas. Concerning in particular the latter, at 42,000 buildings still lies in the middle areas of seismic risk and only 58% have a certificate of fitness for use. The certification of fire prevention is only 35.4% and the fire escapes are present in just over 50%.

Geographical differences are as always very strong: 52% of the buildings in the South and about 53% in the Islands, although relatively new buildings, said the need for urgent maintenance, compared to the statement from the North and the Centre which is around 26%. The difference between North and South is all the more evident by looking at the average investment in maintenance: from € 53,472 to € 27,193 goes to the North to the Centre to reach the 22,482 invested in the South in the North, also, there is a greater focus for routine maintenance, with an average investment of twice that of the south. Instead a common problem across the country is the lack of facilities dedicated to sports, which are still lacking for 45% of schools. Little attention is also placed in relation to environmental risk: as many as 18% of the municipalities does not make the monitoring of the structures in asbestos and radon is monitored by only 30% of administrations. Completely underestimated the risks arising from the proximity to power lines, monitored, only 11% of the common and present in a proportion of 3.4%. It is also the lack of attention to good practice: while it is true that recycling has become a widespread practice in most schools, for years the percentage of schools that practice is still 80% . Too slow la crescita del biologico nelle mense, mentre invece rimane interessante il trend positivo sul risparmio energetico con la crescita nell’arco di quattro anni delle scuole che utilizzano fonti di illuminazione a basso consumo da 46,5% a più di 63% e quelle che utilizzano energia da fonti rinnovabili, giunte a più dell’8%. Infine, un ultimo dato confortante: secondo il rapporto quasi nella totalità degli edifici vengono fatte prove di evacuazione e più del 90% ha le porte antipanico.

Di Lara La Gatta

Dal sito

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Funny Baby Messages For Cards

Laws Shame: The 1999 Act save Rete 4

Governo D'Alema: center-left

7) Act 1999 save Rete 4

Agcom sets to work only in 1998, presents the new frequency plan and launched the tender for issuing national licenses 8. Rete 4 being "surplus", it loses the grant, in its place wins Europa7 Francesco Di Stefano. But the D'Alema government in 1999, gives Rete4 the 'provisional approval "to broadcast without a license, it remains without Europa7 frequencies which it is entitled by law.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Belstaff Motorcycle Clothing

Read Shame: 1997 Law Maccanico

a Prodi government: center-left

6) Law Maccanico 1997

The consultation concluded that three Mediaset can not have TV, but must go down to two, by August 28, 1996. But the Prodi government, thanks to the minister Maccanico, grant a year extension, then July 24, 1997 enacts the Law on TV, that leaves everything as it is, Mediaset will have to give up a network only when the baby s'insedierà
Agcom Agcom but will settle in Italy as there is only "a reasonable development of the users of television programs via satellite or cable." It means 'appropriate development' no one knows, so Rete4 followed forward indefinitely in spite of the Consulta.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Brent Everett Gay Teacher Stream

Laws Shame: 1995 Manette difficult

Dini Government: center-left more League

5) Handcuffs difficult

The 1995 reform of custody and beyond, launched in August 1995, in full mourning by the Dini government parties (Lega excluded) , and fished in the worst part Biondi decree. The more difficult the case in prison for the offenses and not just Tangentopoli: abolition of the mandatory arrest for criminal association, shortened the maximum duration of detention; repealed Article 371bis (stopping in the act of false witness).

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Balsa Bridge Blueprins

Laws Shame: 1994 building trade remit

first Berlusconi government: the center-right

4) Waiver Building 1994

Signed by the Minister of Public Works, Roberto Radice, reopen the terms of the infamous amnesty Craxi in 1985: you can heal, at bargain prices, illegal works completed by December 31, 1993 by paying the old fines multiplied by 2 ( if the abuse took place before March 1985) or 3 (if done later).

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No election day: vote for referendum June 12

"I informed the Council of Ministers decision in the coming days to sign the decree for the holding of local elections on 15 and 16 May." This was stated by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni during a press conference after the Council of Ministers. The

Minister will propose to the Council of Ministers on 12 June to carry out the referendum. The Minister Roberto Maroni said after the council of ministers today, thus excluding the possibility of an 'election day' with the consolidation of administrative consultations with those for the referendum. "The referendum can take place by June 15 and Sunday closing date is 12. It is for the CDM to the decision, I am for the 12 "because the two hold separate consultations" is a tradition, "said the minister.

Failure of the referendum and administrative unification in 'Election Day' will lead to a waste of 300 million. From the site

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Laws Shame: 1994 tax amnesty

a Berlusconi government: the center-right

3) tax amnesty I994

Disguised 'concordalo Taxation The first amnesty Tremonti Berlusconi era is approved along with the Biondi decree July 13, 1994: The evaders will be able to 'negotiate' disputes with tax authorities by paying a modest fine. Who disputes up to 2 million lire can close them by paying a donation of 150 dollars. For disputes from 2 to 20 million, you must pay 10 percent. For those still higher, however, must use the 'reconciliation' will be the judge to determine the amount due. Then the arrangement is extended to corporations.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Boils Baby Staph Infection

Laws Shame: 1994 The Battle of Law Tremonti

first Berlusconi government: the center-right

2) Act 1994 Tremonti

Decree 357/1994 reducing taxes by 50 percent reinvested earnings by enterprises, provided they relate to the purchase of ' new capital goods. " The newly Mediaset use the law to save 243 billion pounds in taxes on the purchase of film rights to vintage film: not goods, but intangible, and are not new, but old. To remedy the unlawful acts then a circular "interpretations" Tremonti said that his law is the opposite of what he said, extending the concept of capital equipment to intangible assets and the concept of new to old ones already used abroad.

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We call it the diet of the 'greenhouse effect. It is a menu from an old campaign, rather than gourmet potatoes, beans, lentils. Proteins and carbohydrates have to look for them there. Why, in the future, there are less pasta, less bread, less meat, fewer eggs, milk, cheese. But there will cost less, even more than today. There is a crisis of food, in fact, that is about to erupt, this year 's, not different in size and shape from 'last crisis, that of 2008. In large part, is the result of a series of extreme weather events that have befallen the world's agricultural production. No expert is ready to swear that it is a direct effect of global warming, but most are betting that these events will be repeated more often in the future. In each case, therefore - whether or not the 'greenhouse manager - the crisis will be projected beyond 2011. Also because two other potent factors will influence more and more what we face at the table: the increase in income and population in developing countries, that perhaps we should begin to define neo-rich. The list of exceptional climatic events degli ultimi dodici mesi è impressionante. Siccità e incendi in Russia. Alluvioni in Bangladesh, in Pakistan, in Australia. Siccità nelle grandi pianure dell' ovest degli Stati Uniti, in Brasile, in Argentina, in Cina. Troppa pioggia in Indonesia. Troppa poca neve a ovest del Mississippi. In un mercato del cibo sempre più globalizzato (le importazioni di derrate alimentari hanno superato, l' anno scorso, i mille miliardi di dollari), non sono paesi qualsiasi. Come spesso capita con le materie prime, la produzione agricola mondiale destinata ai mercati esteri è concentrata in pochi paesi. Il 60% del granturco e il 30% della soia sui mercati mondiali vengono dagli Stati Uniti. Il 60% dello zucchero viene dal Brasile. Quando il clima avverso affects one of these countries, the repercussions are felt throughout the world. Shoot the first list, they are all large producers of food one or more crucial. Russia, U.S., Australia, Argentina: wheat. U.S., Brazil, Argentina: Soy. U.S., Argentina: maize. Brazil, Australia: sugar. Indonesia: rice. To these global crises, adding local crises: the onions in India, the 'cooking oil in Indonesia. The result is that within a year, prices of food commodities are, on average, more than doubled. Only between June and December records the Deutsche Bank, cereal prices have risen by 57%, 56% for oils and fats, 77% for sugar. The 'surge sudden stops. Yesterday, the FAO has reported that its index of food prices has passed, in January, marked the historical record in December. 'S increase is only 3.4% in December. But the wheat, for example, on 'early December and inflation of 13. "This level of prices will not fall in the coming months, economists expected a FAO, Abdolreza Abbassian. In fact, many experts feel that it is intended, rather, to rise again, because the tension between supply and demand have not yet been fully transferred to prices, or for wheat (bread, pasta), or for meat and milk (maize and Soybean is widely used as animal feed). The difference with 2008 è stata, finora, che dopo due anni di buoni raccolti i magazzini mondiali erano relativamente pieni. Ma è sempre meno vero: il ministero dell' Agricoltura americano calcola che, ad agosto, le riserve di granturco nei silos saranno pari solo al 5,5% della domanda, il livello più basso degli ultimi 15 anni. Di solito, nei cicli economici, l' aumento dei prezzi delle materie prime arriva relativamente tardi, quando la ripresa è al culmine. Questa volta è arrivata molto presto, anche per via degli eventi climatici, quando la ripresa è ancora incerta. Il risultato è che i venti di inflazione (con gli effetti che hanno sul costo dei debiti pubblici) già soffiano, ad esempio in Europa, dove l' economia stenta a decollare. But the 'experience of the food riots of 2008 shows that when c' is half the food, the 'social impact can be devastating. And, to obscure the scenario of the next month, speculation is already at work. Like, around the world, industries are filling up their warehouses of steel, rubber, cotton to guard against future price increases, so the players are doing the food market. It is likely that they do so even large traders in Geneva, by manipulating the timing of delivery, but this is mostly on the states, anxious to avoid the squares of their cities are full of people in revolt for the price of bread or rice. It is no coincidence, in the face of what happened in queste settimane in Tunisia e in Egitto che, a fare incetta di grano, siano i governi del Nord Africa e del Medio Oriente. Nel solo mese di gennaio, l' Algeria ha importato un terzo del frumento che, abitualmente, compra ogni anno. L' Arabia saudita intende raddoppiare le sue riserve di grano. Il Bangladesh ha raddoppiato la sua previsione di importazione di riso. Queste derrate, sottratte al mercato mondiale e stivate nei magazzini statali, incideranno ulteriormente sulla disponibilità dei prodotti e sui loro prezzi. Ma non c' è solo questo. Il problema, quando a comprare sono i governi, è che i tradizionali meccanismi di mercato, per cui la domanda scende quando il prezzo è troppo alto, non funzionano più. Per evitare la rivolta nelle squares, the Arab capitals, African, Asian, are willing to buy at any price. For financial speculation, is a 'barrier-free highway. Even if one or two good crops can calm the storm, known Gerald Nelson, an expert on 'International Food Policy Research Institute, the tension on the food markets are designed to last a long time for the growing demand coming from developing countries, poverty and hunger: "It is here that in the coming years will focus increases in population and income anticipated from the world. They are also the countries that will suffer the most 'impact of climate change. "

Maurizio Ricci

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Monday, February 28, 2011

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Laws Shame: 1994 Decree

for future reference in this section summarizes the laws in 17 years of the Second Republic (or alleged), the interests of a few privileged citizens, to the detriment of all others. A

today there are 80, here's the first.

first Berlusconi government: the center-right

1) Order 1994 Biondi

Porco Approved July 13, 1994 from the first Berlusconi government, prohibits the pre-trial detention (transformed into no more than house arrest) for crimes against public administration and financial, including corruption and bribery, just as they are to take stops for Fininvest bribes of the financial police. So the blitz freezes, while prisoners are released from prison in 2764 (including 350 white-collar workers involved in Tangentopoli). II Clean Hands pool is disbanded. The protests against the "Salvaladri" lead the league and An forcing Berlusconi to withdraw the decree. Soon after they are arrestali Paolo Berlusconi, Salvatore Sciascia, chief of fiscal services Fininvest, and Massimo Maria Berruti, a consultant group.

Di Marco Travaglio

from the number 1 / 2011 of MicroMega

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Occ Mini Chopper Spider

Piero Biondi

There are places away from the mafia infiltration. The contrary inevitably leads to "tragic awakening." As was the case in Emilia Romagna, a rich region of northern Italy to believe his story of having antibodies to oppose the entrenchment of mafia. The cradle of the Italian Resistance is now forced to deal with the effects of the criminal presence, as occurred in the province of Reggio Emilia. According to a builder the building boom that has affected over two thousand years the area was fed for 50% of illicit money.

A resounding complaint clearly and indignantly denied by the authorities. Yet the elements not to be considered are too many emerging and increasingly now that the crisis is hitting hard on the field. But there are no data on money the banks have launched alerts, the police either. In general silence about the illegality committed by building speculators, ten thousand cubic meters of concrete have eroded in record time depopulated the countryside and old towns.

EST Project. From an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Ilaria Alpi, in collaboration with FLARE Network and Romanian Association of Investigative Journalism.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Affiliate Programs: How to optimize the basic concepts

In this tutorial I will explain what affiliate programs are and how you can earn money online. The concepts are deliberately simplified. The more specific proposals will in fact negliarticoli depth.

I want to clarify that I do not promise easy money, immediate and safe for anyone who can turn a PC, because in the web there are already too many useful :-) guides of that type.

How and how much you can earn online?

The mechanism that allows you to obtain a gain can be simplified as follows: you have to send visitors (potential customers) to a site that sells products or services. If those visitors made a purchase the site will reward.

The agreement between you and e-commerce site is called "Affiliate Program". You are also known as the Affiliate Publisher. The ecommerce site is called Merchant or Advertiser.

Wanting to be more precise, the figures involved are four

potential customers. There are people interested in buying products / services via the Internet.
You / Your site. Through the site you advertise your products / services and to bring potential customers to a site that sells them.
Merchant. And 'the site you are affiliated: you send him customers, he pays you.
Manager of the affiliate program. Between you and merchantpotrebbe be an intermediary that deals with it to check the origin of customers, provide you with statistics on sales procured and manage payments. Sometimes the e-commerce site carries out these activities without relying on an outside service.
Your profit may not be limited to a percentage of sales but also depend on other actions by potential customers. The idea underlying the affiliate programs is in fact the so-called "Pay Per Action" which includes:

PPC - Pay Per Click: Earn a fixed amount for each click made by visitors sui banner/link del merchant inseriti nel tuo sito;
PPL - Pay Per Lead: guadagni un importo fisso per ogni iscrizione (o compilazione di un modulo) fatta da utenti provenienti dal tuo sito;
PPS - Pay Per Sale: guadagni una percentuale (o un importo fisso) sul valore degli acquisti fatti da visitatori provenienti dal tuo sito.

Consideriamo un sito che vende telefoni cellulari e ti paga € 0,05 PPC, € 1 PPL e 5% PPS.
Sul tuo sito descrivi un modello di cellulare e metti il link verso il sito che lo vende a € 200.
100 utenti cliccano sul link, 5 si registrano sul sito che lo vende e uno di questi lo acquista.
Il tuo guadagno sarà: 100 x 0,05 = € 5 per clicks, 5 x 1 = € 5 for lead, 5% € 200 = € 10 per sale.
You have won a total of € 20.

How do I start?

To make money with affiliate programs you must:

Choose one or more merchant that affiliates. Create content
contextual to the products you want to "sell."
Bring potential customers to your web pages (search engine rankings, buying advertising, etc. ..)
Choosing the merchant

The merchant in Italy are hundreds available, each offers at least one product / service, and many offering tens of thousands. So the choice is not lacking, it is important to choose well. Factors to consider are the following: Quality of

-merchant site. Buy on that site? He has reasonable prices or, alternatively, products are hard to find anywhere else? It 'a site / brand famous? You inspire confidence? If you answered yes to all (or most) of these questions proceed to step 2.
Type of products / services. The users of your site will be interested in some products sold by the merchant? You can create content on those products? If you wish to purchase advertising on search engines quickly assess how much competition there is (a more detailed analysis can be done at a later time).
How to pay? Estimate when you can earn for each sale is essential if you are considering buying advertising on search engines.
The merchant uses cookies to store the origin of the customer? The merchant must assign the sales commission even if the customers buy many days (or months) after clicking the link on your site. The merchant who do not use cookies are to be avoided.
You can start searching from our directory of affiliate programs. Create content targeted

'll decide to affiliate merchant that deals with all stages of the sale: customer acquisition, order management, payment processing and shipment of goods. Your job is "only" to help potential customers find a site that sells the product you are looking for. It would be better to say to convince potential customers to purchase your merchant's site to which you are affiliated with. What to do? There are several possibilities more or less effective:

Place banner ads on your website or in your newsletter. Buy
contextual advertising in search engines and send visitors directly to the merchant's website.
Create content on the product you wish to sell and insert a link to the site that sells it. For example you can write a review, a news report the views of other users, compare it with other products, and specify how much the different sites.
I deliberately wrote the various possibilità in ordine di efficacia crescente: i banner non rendono molto, il potenziale cliente normalmente cerca informazioni sul prodotto prima di acquistarlo e spera inoltre di trovare il sito con il prezzo più conveniente. Internet consente di passare velocemente da un sito all’altro in cerca di informazioni. Per questo motivo la credibilità del tuo sito è fondamentale, l’utente leggendo le tue pagine deve pensare: "Sono nel posto giusto. Parto da qui per decidere cosa e dove acquistare". Se stessi cercando una fotocamera, preferiresti acquistarla dopo aver cliccato su un banner pubblicitario all’interno di un sito qualunque oppure dove aver letto su un sito del settore che "Non ha tutte le funzionalità di una costosa macchina professionale, ma permette di fare delle splendide foto garantendo un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo. La puoi acquistare su questi siti: A (€ 150,00) B (€ 145,00) C (€ 165,00) D ( € 140 con spezione gratuita)"? (Questi concetti sono stati spiegati dettagliatamente nei seguenti articoli: "Come fare soldi con un blog usando i programmi di affiliazione", "Diventa un blogger autorevole e fai soldi in modo diretto e indiretto")

Riassumendo: il concetto base è quello di presentare sul tuo sito un prodotto ed inserire un link verso un sito (a cui sei affiliato) che lo vende. Se vieni pagato con la modalità pay per click devi solo preoccuparti di mandare il maggior numero di visitatori possible to the merchant's website. However, if you paid with a percentage of sales procured, you must make sure that users of your site should be on the merchant's website only when they are really motivated to buy. Otherwise you'll just free publicity.

source: alverde

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Diet, Breastmilk, Mucus, Phlegm, Baby

Antibodies Calamandrei: Discourse on the Constitution to young

ask ourselves what is it for young people with the Constitution. What can you do to make young people feel the Constitution as a thing to them, because they feel that in defending, in developing the Constitution, continues, albeit in different forms, the resistance to which their older brothers exhibited, and many lost, their lives.

One of the miracles of the period of the Resistance was the harmony between different parties, from liberals to communists, on a common program. It was a battle plan: Via the fascists! Via the Germans!

This program was accomplished. But the program of peace, was made at a later date. It was the Constitution.

The Constitution must be regarded, not as a dead law, must be considered, and is, as a political program. The Constitution contiene in sé un programma politico concordato, diventato legge, che è obbligo realizzare.

La nostra Costituzione, lo riconoscono anche i socialisti, non è una Costituzione che ponga per meta all’Italia la trasformazione della società socialista. La Costituzione è nata da un compromesso fra diverse ideologie. Vi ha contribuito l’ispirazione mazziniana, vi ha contribuito il marxismo, vi ha contribuito il solidarismo cristiano. Questi vari partiti sono riusciti a mettersi d’accordo su un programma comune che si sono impegnati a realizzare. La parte più viva, più vitale, più piena d’avvenire, della Costituzione, non è costituita da quella struttura d’organi costituzionali che ci sono e potrebbero essere anche diversi: la parte vera e vitale della Costituzione è quella che si può chiamare programmatica, quella che pone delle mete che si debbono gradualmente raggiungere e per il raggiungimento delle quali vale anche oggi, e più varrà in avvenire, l’impegno delle nuove generazioni.

Nella nostra Costituzione c’è un articolo che è il più impegnativo, impegnativo per noi che siamo al declinare, ma soprattutto per voi giovani che avete l’avvenire davanti. Esso dice: “E’ compito della Repubblica rimuovere gli ostacoli d’ordine economico e sociale che, limitando di fatta la libertà e l’eguaglianza dei cittadini, impediscono il pieno sviluppo della persona umana e l’effettiva partecipazione di tutti i lavoratori all’organizzazione politica, economica e sociale del paese”.

“E’ compito… di rimuovere gli ostacoli che impediscono il pieno sviluppo della persona umana”! Quindi dare lavoro a tutti, dare una giusta retribuzione a tutti, dare la scuola a tutti, dare a tutti gli uomini dignità d’uomini.

Soltanto quando questo sarà raggiunto si potrà veramente affermare che la formula contenuta nell’articolo 1: “L’Italia è una Repubblica fondata sul lavoro”, corrisponderà alla realtà. Perché fino a che non c’è questa possibilità for every man to work and study and draw on their work safely with the means to live as a man, not only for our Republic will not be able to call based on the work, but you can call even democratic, because a democracy in which no there is this de facto equality, where there is only an equality of right, is a democracy in which all citizens are enabled to truly participate in society, to bring their best contribution, in which all forces spiritual of all citizens are made to contribute to this process, this continuous progress of society. And then you understand from this that our Constitution is in part a reality, but only in part, is still part of a program, a commitment, a job to do.

How much work you have to be done! How much work lies before you!

E 'has rightly been said that the Constitutions of the controversy, which in the articles of the Constitutions is always there, even if disguised by cold formulation of the rules, a polemic. This controversy is usually a polemic against the recent past, the regime fell from which it came out of the new regime. If you read the part of the Constitution which refers to the relations of civil and political rights of freedom, you constantly hear the argument against what was the situation before the Republic, when all Today these freedoms are listed and solemnly reaffirmed were systematically disregarded. And it is natural that in the articles of the Constitution there are still echoes of this resentment and there is a polemic against the regime fell, and a commitment not to resurrect this scheme, not to repeat again and allow those same insults. That is in our Constitution there are several rules that clearly state, prohibiting the recovery of the Fascist Party. But in our Constitution there is something more, especially young people must understand this.

But there is a part of the Constitution which is a polemic against the present, against the company. Because when the article says, "It 's the duty of the Republic to remove the obstacles of an economic and social obstacles to the full development of the human person," recognizes that today there are these obstacles, in fact, and that we must remove them. It gives a view, the Constitution! A controversial trial, an adverse opinion against the current social order, that must change through this instrument of law, on a gradual transformation that the Constitution has made available to Italian citizens.

But the Constitution is not a property which has defined a fixed point, it is a constitution that opens the way to the future. Not to say revolutionary because "revolution" in common parlance, means something that subverts violently. But the Constitution is a renewal, progressive, aiming at transformation of this society in which that can happen even when there are legal and political freedoms, they are rendered useless by economic inequality and the inability for many people to be citizens and realize that within them there is a spiritual flame that if he developed a compensation system could also contribute to the economic progress of society. So

polemic against the present we live in and commitment to doing everything within us to transform this situation.

Però, vedete, la Costituzione non è una macchina che una volta messa in moto va avanti da sé. La Costituzione è un pezzo di carta: lo lascio cadere e non si muove. Perché si muova bisogna ogni giorno, in questa macchina, rimetterci dentro l’impegno, lo spirito, la volontà di mantenere quelle promesse, la propria responsabilità. Per questo una delle offese che si fanno alla Costituzione è l’indifferenza alla politica, l’indifferentismo, che è, non qui per fortuna, in questo uditorio ma spesso in larghi strati, in larghe categorie di giovani. E’ un po’ una malattia dei giovani, l’indifferentismo. “La politica è una brutta cosa”. “Che me ne importa policy? ".

When I hear this speech, I am always reminded of that old little story that someone you know: two of those migrants, two peasants who cross the ocean on a rickety ship. One of these farmers slept in the hold and the other was on the bridge and noticed that there was a large storm with high waves. The ship rocked and then when the peasants, scared, asks a sailor: "But are we in danger?" And says: "If he continues this sea, the ship sank in half an hour." Then he runs into the hold, goes to wake up mate and shouts: "Beppe, Beppe, Beppe." - "What?". - "If it continues this sea, the ship sank in half an hour." And that: "What do I care, it's not mine."

This indifference to politics is so beautiful, so comfortable, there is liberty, we live under the freedom, there are other things to do than care about politics. I know myself. The world is beautiful, there are many beautiful things to see and enjoy not only involved in politics. And politics is not a pleasant thing.

But freedom is like air: you realize what it's worth when it begins to fail, when you hear that sense asphyxiation of the men of my generation have felt for twenty years and I hope you'll never hear of young people. And I hope you will not find you never feel that sense of anxiety, because you hope you manage to create the conditions for this sense of anxiety do not have to prove anything, every day reminding you that freedom must be vigilant, to watch giving its contribution to political life.

The Constitution, you see, is the statement, written in these articles from the literary point of view are not beautiful, but it is the solemn affirmation of social solidarity, human solidarity, of common fate: for, if it goes to the bottom , goes to background for all this ship.

E 'the paper of their own freedom, the paper, for each of us, the dignity of man.

I remember the first elections after the fall of fascism, June 2, 1946. These people who had enjoyed for twenty-five years the civil and political liberties, for the first time he went to vote, after a period of horror, chaos, civil war, struggles, wars, fires.

I was, I remember, in Florence. The same has happened here: these lines of people in front of the covered sections, disciplined and happy, happy because he had the feeling of having found their own dignity, that given the vote, this bring their views to help create this community of opinion, that we be masters of their own country, our country, our country, our land, we dispose of our destiny and the destiny of our country.

So you young people, the Constitution was to give your spirit, your youth, bring it to life, like what you hear, put in the public spirit, civic consciousness, realize, realize that each of us is not only is not alone; that we are more, we are also part of a whole, a whole within the limits of Italy and the world.

Now, you see, I have nothing to say to you: in this Constitution cui sentirete fare il commento nelle prossime conferenze c’è dentro tutta la nostra storia, tutto il nostro passato, tutti i nostri dolori, le nostre sciagure, le nostre gioie; essi sono tutti sfociati qui in questi articoli. E a sapere intendere, dietro questi articoli si sentono delle voci lontane.

E quando io leggo nell’art. 2: «L’adempimento dei doveri inderogabili di solidarietà politica, economica, sociale»; o quando leggo nell’art. 11: «L’Italia ripudia le guerre come strumento di offesa alla libertà degli altri popoli», la patria italiana in mezzo alle altre patrie… ma questo è Mazzini! Questa è la voce di Mazzini!
O quando io leggo Art. 8: "All religions are equally free before the law," but this is Cavour!
Or when I read in art. 5: "The Republic one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local autonomy," but this is Cattaneo! Or when
art. I read about 52 of the armed forces: "The regulations of the armed forces on the democratic spirit of the Republic," army of people, but this is Garibaldi!
And when I read in art. 27: "It is not permitted the death penalty," but this is Beccaria! Great voices away, far away ... big names

But there are also humble names, recent entries! How much blood, how much pain to get to this constitution! Behind every article of this Constitution, or young, you have to see young people like you who fell in battle, shot, hanged, tortured, starved to death in concentration camps, died in Russia, died in Africa, died on the streets of Milan, for streets of Florence, cha gave their lives for freedom and justice could be written on this card. So when I told you that this is a dead paper, no, not a dead paper, is a testament is a testament of a hundred thousand deaths.

if you want to make a pilgrimage to the place in the birthplace of our Constitution, go to the partisans in the mountains where they fell, in the prisons where they were imprisoned in camps where they were hanged. Wherever an Italian died to redeem the freedom and dignity, or young people go there, thinking, why they came to our Constitution.

Piero Calamandrei

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Baby Has Alot Of Phlegm What Can I Do

City Council - February 28, 2011

The Mayor has called for Monday, February 28, 2011 at 21:00, the City Council.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Shaving Eyebrows Before And After Shots

thermal insulation of buildings: Revenge

walls without insulation, windows and badly assembled thin, thermal bridges between different materials, windows and floors that encourage energy waste. The buildings in which we live and work are responsible, in nine out of ten cases of severe heat loss and then forcing them to use air conditioners and heating, thereby increasing the cost in lower bills and the comfort and livability. The survey reveals that Legambiente, with the national campaign "Everyone in class A", aims to promote a new culture of sustainable building.

A team of engineers have analyzed 100 buildings, including apartments and offices in 15 Italian cities, and only 11 (all built in Bolzano) are "promoted." To show flaws and merits of the buildings were used infrared images made with a special machine that can highlight the thermal characteristics of materials and energy in the outer walls of the building.
"With termofoto - says Edward Zanchini, Energy Environment League - we want to make clear how important it is to have well-designed and built homes. The special images show just the difference between a house of "class A", ie with a quality standard that certifies a very low energy demand for energy for heating, and those built by hand without any attention to these issues. The first result in a better quality of life for the inhabitants due to good insulation in the walls and, with the same comfort, can significantly reduce the cost for heating in winter and do without air conditioners in summer, reducing to one-third spending heating and cooling, ie allowing a saving of between 200 and 500 euro per year per family. "
As for the residential buildings have been taken into account developments made in the last ten years, ie when the price boom, often sold at higher prices to 3/4.000 € per square meter. If you consider that the difference in cost for a house than a Class A "normal" è del 5-10%, e il prezzo di costruzione è di circa 1.000 euro a mq, si capisce come non sia un problema di costi a impedire di investire nella qualità. Per capire le differenze per chi vi abita, le termofoto di Bolzano mostrano caratteristiche omogenee delle pareti, il cui isolamento permette di evitare sbalzi termici. In questo modo si possono ridurre i costi del riscaldamento e del raffrescamento. Per fare un esempio, un edificio certificato di classe A ha bisogno di circa 30 kWh/mq anno per il riscaldamento (paragonabile alla capacità di 3 litri di gasolio per riscaldare efficientemente per un anno la superficie di 1 m²), rispetto ad un'abitazione nuova di classe C che ha bisogno di circa 70 kWh/mq anno, mentre un edificio come quelli “bocciati” from analysis, average E-class, needs more than 120 kWh / sqm per year.
were also analyzed public buildings, "for regional and municipal - said Legambiente - should set a good example by avoiding waste in their facilities, and the results are equally discouraging: rejected 18 out of 19 buildings with leaky noisy sometimes requiring a overwork the heating in winter and air conditioners in summer. The only building that is saved is the new administrative headquarters of the Province of Bolzano. In the dossier Legambiente there is also a detailed assessment on the work of the various regions on the energy performance of buildings. Promoted Provinces Of Trento and Bolzano, Lombardy and Piedmont, where the law comprehensively addressing all aspects of performance and energy certification of buildings, obligations, controls and sanctions, and where, consequently, one can find good examples of building sustainable. Promoted but subject to: Emilia-Romagna, Liguria and Puglia, where the blocks are still missing to complete the regulatory framework. Mouth for a few loopholes: Lazio, Umbria and Valle d'Aosta, with regional laws that provide information on energy efficiency is still too general. Mouthfuls for incompleteness and inadequacy of regional laws: Toscana, Veneto, Marche, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Sardinia, Sicily, Abruzzo.
Il quadro emerso da questo monitoraggio denota quanto poco siano cambiate, negli ultimi trent'anni, le attenzioni da parte di progettisti e costruttori nei confronti di materiali, tecnologie e modalità costruttive impiegate per il contenimento degli sprechi energetici. Secondo le stime del ministero dello Sviluppo economico, complessivamente, il peso degli usi energetici civili rappresenta circa il 50% dei consumi elettrici e il 33% di quelli energetici totali. "Diventa dunque importantissimo - conclude Legambiente - intervenire nel settore edilizio per ridurre gli sprechi e le emissioni di CO2". L'Unione Europea ha preso molto sul serio questa sfida con precise direttive che hanno reso obbligatoria, anche in Italia, energy certification of buildings in sales of new and existing ones. The recent EU Directive 31/2010 establishes that even by 2021 all new buildings must be set such that they have no need to make heating and cooling, or will be able to satisfy them through the use of renewable sources.

Monica Rubino

From site

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Female Nomex Clothing

Bolzano promoted only tap water

After a long hangover of ore nearly two decades, consumption of sparkling water and natural rose from 65 to 192 liters per capita income, Italy has returned to the water do-it-yourself. Basta bottiglie di plastica (smaltirle costa quasi 250 euro a tonnellata).
Basta spese inutili. Il Belpaese ha rispolverato le brocche, scoperto le caraffe filtranti - "le vendite sono decollate", dicono alla Laica, numero uno del settore - ed è riapprodato all'autarchia idrica. Venezia - dove la campagna di Veritas (la municipalizzata locale) ha fatto aumentare del 4% il numero dei cittadini che bevono acqua di rubinetto - non è sola. L'Acea a Roma, l'Acquedotto Pugliese e quello lucano hanno "etichettato" il loro prodotto come fosse una "griffe" da ristorante due stelle Michelin.
Presentando sui propri siti le analisi organolettiche and mineral content guaranteed by thousands (350 thousand in the capital) checks a year. Plain water has reappeared after a decade on the tables of school canteens in Rome, Milan, Florence and Bologna. Perugia, Abbiategrasso, Monterotondo, Cusano Milanino and many other small towns in Italy have installed public fountains of sparkling water to quench the thirst of their citizens. In Turin and Piedmont is playing the campaign Tvb. Not the silly and abused "I love you" by text message, but "you want to drink," the slogan that brought hundreds of kindergartens and primary designer of the region, water bottles and brochures that accompanied the return of the older drink the world for lunch, avoid filling landfills Savoy of 22 000 plastic bottles a day.
economics and ecology, in fact, this return to past national board, go hand in hand. "Tap water costs 500 times less than the industrial competitor - says Luca Martinelli Altraeconomia, author of the highly successful" Little guide to the critical water consumption "-. But as he understood Cacciari also provides a huge environmental savings. " Italy produces 12.4 billion bottles a year consuming 655,000 tonnes of oil released into the air and 910 000 tonnes of CO2 in the dust-bin 200 000 tons of polyethylene, whose disposal (only one third is recycled) is borne by citizens and local authorities. " Not only that. Eight out of 10 liters of mineral in trucks travel hundreds of miles to get from source to supermarket shelves and restaurant tables. Burning liters of diesel.
quality? "Tap water has nothing to envy in the industry - ensures Martinelli -. Each well provides that from 100 to 10 000 liters, the needs of a small town, is subject to 70 inspections a year. In larger cities, the checks are tens of thousands. And a recent ruling by the TAR, but there was no need, requires public water transparency by publishing the results of all examinations. The legal limits are strict and apply to all.
It is no coincidence that more than 1,500 restaurants in the beautiful country have joined the campaign without any hesitation "Imbrocchiamola" Legambiente, explicitly offering menus in tap water. Smooth and sparkling water. To ensure the bubbles of carbon dioxide do-it-yourself in the third millennium are no longer Idriz and Frizzina - the magical powders of the 60s - but the new gasification, diabolical gadgets that are starting to gain by leaps and bounds the kitchens of Italians .
"We have started to offer them a year ago - confirmed Claudio Tagliapietra, commercial director of Sodastream, one of the leading national -. We had people believed that a sales target for 2009 is very ambitious and we have already reached in May, traveling at 15,000 pieces per month. " On an immature market (in Sweden there are 30% of households in the gasifier, we are in percentages by code number), but also a series of agreements with local governments who are dipping in the water business of the mayor. "In Venice, the Veritas is selling off our models - concluded Tagliapietra - charged to the cost in rate bills."
The mineral industry, 321 marks, 3.5 billion turnover and 8000 employees, accused - as was inevitable - the one-two of the crisis and the revival of the tap. "The Our sales dropped last year (-1.7%) for the first time in ten years - admits Ettore Fortuna, a number of Mineracqua, the organization of the field - because the people at the supermarket gives priority to less expensive labels, snubbing high-end ones. "
Competition aqueducts? "Tap water and we are two completely different things - he says -: we recover in a reservoir deep underground, protected and pristine and bottled at the source. That the municipal has the most diverse backgrounds. Turin takes part in the Po, Arno Florence, then the need to address, and disinfect potable. One study (not yet published) commissioned by the industry and challenged by Legambiente, says Fortune, "confirms that four out of a tap water with traces of bacteriological and" man-made contaminants ".
All in values \u200b\u200bwell below the maximum limits prescribed by law, though. And in most cases - Martinelli says - because of lack of maintenance of the house systems: "The municipal provide pure water to the counter, then too often administrators forget to deal with tanks and autoclaves. The collected
faucet is not something only Italian. Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York (a high aqueduct that draws on 13 reserves and 3 crystal clear lakes), has set much of his campaign to win their Sull'adda minerals (in the U.S. it takes a little 'less than here, even for the deadly competition from soft drinks). Although the home of Wall Street and the business were able to put a label on the market, "Tap'd NY" which sells for $ 2 a bottle bottled tap water (and there are people who bought it! ).
Paris, which had transferred to his private water systems, has backed off a few months ago. The management of Suez and Veolia - the mayor Bertrand Delanoe - had worsened the water quality and scrambled prices. And so the Comune ha ripreso il controllo del servizio.
Tutto il mondo è paese, insomma. L'autarchia idrica, complice la recessione, dilaga. Dalla Tour Eiffel all'Empire State Building, dalle case scandinave alla provincia italiana. Ultimo caso: l'apertura poche settimane fa di un distributore di H20 (si chiama proprio così) sulla strada Regina, due passi dalla villa di George Clooney sul lago di Como. Eroga, gratis, acqua limpida e purissima, liscia o gasata. Tutta prodotta della municipalizzata locale. Quella del comune di Acquaseria. Più di così...

Dal sito

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Post Gallbladder Surgery Incision Pain


E' pronta la soluzione per i rifiuti della Campania? I Napoletani pagano per l’immondizia le tasse più alte d’Italia. Possono nutrire la speranza di vedere la città pulita? Domenico Iannacone ha attraversato la regione in lungo e in largo per capire se le promesse del governo diventeranno mai realtà. Per ora sembra impossibile: a Taverna del Re ci sono chilometri e chilometri quadrati delle cosiddette “ecoballe”, che non possono essere bruciate, né eliminate; numerose discariche non sono mai state bonificate, il micidiale percolato continua ad avvelenare acqua e aria. La differenziata a Napoli è una chimera…Dal 2003 un progetto (lo stesso che ha salvato Milano in 15giorni) sta nei cassetti dell’ASIA, la municipalizzata napoletana waste.

"Presadiretta" has also collected testimony Antonio Bassolino and Rosa Russo Iervolino, the protagonists of the never-ending story of waste from Campania. To demonstrate that the problem could be solved there will be the positive example of the town of Portici: the mayor was able to start and operate the collection. A tale of Domenico Iannacone with Elizabeth and Elena Stramentinoli Camilleri. From the site

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sausage Stuffer Perth

M'illumino less

The 18 February 2011 back M'illumino less , the most ever radio campaign on energy saving devised on the globe.

This year Caterpillar urges municipalities, associations, schools, businesses and homes all over Italy to join the initiative by creating the "energy silence" which involved the streets across Europe in recent years to make room, where possible, to ignition virtuous, based on renewable sources.

At the present stage of technological research is already possible to produce energy with the sun, the wind, the sea, the warmth of the land or biomass. Appealing to the inexhaustible Italian engineer invite everyone, from students to casual, from companies in crisis to the municipalities, to compete in the green economy by adopting a system to clean off the waste and turning on a flag setting February 18, 2010.

The campaign will start 24 January 2011, telling the radio for good manufacturing practices and intelligent consumption of energy, and giving voice to the most interesting accessions for February 18.

also abroad we will experience for the rationalization of consumption and government virtuous from the standpoint of sustainable management of energy resources. On , you can tell them your membership and find all the materials to advertise the initiative in the workplace, at school or in your town.