a Prodi government: center-left
8) Abuse of office 1997
On 1 July 1997 left and right decriminalize the offense of abuse of office "not capital": that the public official who commits an act contrary to his official duties, but you can not show that it had an advantage expressed in monetary terms. Are thus legalized favoritism, the subdivisions, the nepotism, rigged competitions, the recommendations in the public service. The abuse remains a crime capital, but only if committed "intentionally": to punish him, the court must demonstrate that she was committed to encourage a person to another disadvantage. And the maximum penalty for the latter case, however, is significantly reduced, from 5 to 3 years imprisonment, con tre conseguenze: niente più custodia cautelare; niente più intercettazioni; termini di prescrizione dimezzati (da 15 anni a 7 e mezzo). In 7 anni e mezzo concludere un'inchiesta e celebrare l'udienza preliminare e i tre gradi di giudizio è praticamente impossibile: di fatto, l'abuso è depenalizzato anche nella sua versione patrimoniale.
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