Anche per questa undicesima edizione del dossier, i 93 Comuni capoluogo di Provincia che hanno restituito i dati relativi al 2009 raccontano che ancora circa il 36% degli edifici necessita di interventi di manutenzione urgenti. Un dato questo che, se confrontato con in risultati degli anni passati, non accenna a scendere ed evidenzia la permanente difficoltà Local Authorities to take up a decrepit housing stock for about 65% was built before 1974, the year of entry into force of the measures for buildings located in seismic areas. Concerning in particular the latter, at 42,000 buildings still lies in the middle areas of seismic risk and only 58% have a certificate of fitness for use. The certification of fire prevention is only 35.4% and the fire escapes are present in just over 50%.
Geographical differences are as always very strong: 52% of the buildings in the South and about 53% in the Islands, although relatively new buildings, said the need for urgent maintenance, compared to the statement from the North and the Centre which is around 26%. The difference between North and South is all the more evident by looking at the average investment in maintenance: from € 53,472 to € 27,193 goes to the North to the Centre to reach the 22,482 invested in the South in the North, also, there is a greater focus for routine maintenance, with an average investment of twice that of the south. Instead a common problem across the country is the lack of facilities dedicated to sports, which are still lacking for 45% of schools. Little attention is also placed in relation to environmental risk: as many as 18% of the municipalities does not make the monitoring of the structures in asbestos and radon is monitored by only 30% of administrations. Completely underestimated the risks arising from the proximity to power lines, monitored, only 11% of the common and present in a proportion of 3.4%. It is also the lack of attention to good practice: while it is true that recycling has become a widespread practice in most schools, for years the percentage of schools that practice is still 80% . Too slow la crescita del biologico nelle mense, mentre invece rimane interessante il trend positivo sul risparmio energetico con la crescita nell’arco di quattro anni delle scuole che utilizzano fonti di illuminazione a basso consumo da 46,5% a più di 63% e quelle che utilizzano energia da fonti rinnovabili, giunte a più dell’8%. Infine, un ultimo dato confortante: secondo il rapporto quasi nella totalità degli edifici vengono fatte prove di evacuazione e più del 90% ha le porte antipanico.
Di Lara La Gatta
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