walls without insulation, windows and badly assembled thin, thermal bridges between different materials, windows and floors that encourage energy waste. The buildings in which we live and work are responsible, in nine out of ten cases of severe heat loss and then forcing them to use air conditioners and heating, thereby increasing the cost in lower bills and the comfort and livability. The survey reveals that Legambiente, with the national campaign "Everyone in class A", aims to promote a new culture of sustainable building.
A team of engineers have analyzed 100 buildings, including apartments and offices in 15 Italian cities, and only 11 (all built in Bolzano) are "promoted." To show flaws and merits of the buildings were used infrared images made with a special machine that can highlight the thermal characteristics of materials and energy in the outer walls of the building.
"With termofoto - says Edward Zanchini, Energy Environment League - we want to make clear how important it is to have well-designed and built homes. The special images show just the difference between a house of "class A", ie with a quality standard that certifies a very low energy demand for energy for heating, and those built by hand without any attention to these issues. The first result in a better quality of life for the inhabitants due to good insulation in the walls and, with the same comfort, can significantly reduce the cost for heating in winter and do without air conditioners in summer, reducing to one-third spending heating and cooling, ie allowing a saving of between 200 and 500 euro per year per family. "
As for the residential buildings have been taken into account developments made in the last ten years, ie when the price boom, often sold at higher prices to 3/4.000 € per square meter. If you consider that the difference in cost for a house than a Class A "normal" è del 5-10%, e il prezzo di costruzione è di circa 1.000 euro a mq, si capisce come non sia un problema di costi a impedire di investire nella qualità. Per capire le differenze per chi vi abita, le termofoto di Bolzano mostrano caratteristiche omogenee delle pareti, il cui isolamento permette di evitare sbalzi termici. In questo modo si possono ridurre i costi del riscaldamento e del raffrescamento. Per fare un esempio, un edificio certificato di classe A ha bisogno di circa 30 kWh/mq anno per il riscaldamento (paragonabile alla capacità di 3 litri di gasolio per riscaldare efficientemente per un anno la superficie di 1 m²), rispetto ad un'abitazione nuova di classe C che ha bisogno di circa 70 kWh/mq anno, mentre un edificio come quelli “bocciati” from analysis, average E-class, needs more than 120 kWh / sqm per year.
were also analyzed public buildings, "for regional and municipal - said Legambiente - should set a good example by avoiding waste in their facilities, and the results are equally discouraging: rejected 18 out of 19 buildings with leaky noisy sometimes requiring a overwork the heating in winter and air conditioners in summer. The only building that is saved is the new administrative headquarters of the Province of Bolzano. In the dossier Legambiente there is also a detailed assessment on the work of the various regions on the energy performance of buildings. Promoted Provinces Of Trento and Bolzano, Lombardy and Piedmont, where the law comprehensively addressing all aspects of performance and energy certification of buildings, obligations, controls and sanctions, and where, consequently, one can find good examples of building sustainable. Promoted but subject to: Emilia-Romagna, Liguria and Puglia, where the blocks are still missing to complete the regulatory framework. Mouth for a few loopholes: Lazio, Umbria and Valle d'Aosta, with regional laws that provide information on energy efficiency is still too general. Mouthfuls for incompleteness and inadequacy of regional laws: Toscana, Veneto, Marche, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Sardinia, Sicily, Abruzzo.
Il quadro emerso da questo monitoraggio denota quanto poco siano cambiate, negli ultimi trent'anni, le attenzioni da parte di progettisti e costruttori nei confronti di materiali, tecnologie e modalità costruttive impiegate per il contenimento degli sprechi energetici. Secondo le stime del ministero dello Sviluppo economico, complessivamente, il peso degli usi energetici civili rappresenta circa il 50% dei consumi elettrici e il 33% di quelli energetici totali. "Diventa dunque importantissimo - conclude Legambiente - intervenire nel settore edilizio per ridurre gli sprechi e le emissioni di CO2". L'Unione Europea ha preso molto sul serio questa sfida con precise direttive che hanno reso obbligatoria, anche in Italia, energy certification of buildings in sales of new and existing ones. The recent EU Directive 31/2010 establishes that even by 2021 all new buildings must be set such that they have no need to make heating and cooling, or will be able to satisfy them through the use of renewable sources.
Monica Rubino
From site www.repubblica.it
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