Affiliate Programs: How to optimize the basic concepts
In this tutorial I will explain what affiliate programs are and how you can earn money online. The concepts are deliberately simplified. The more specific proposals will in fact negliarticoli depth.
I want to clarify that I do not promise easy money, immediate and safe for anyone who can turn a PC, because in the web there are already too many useful :-) guides of that type.
How and how much you can earn online?
The mechanism that allows you to obtain a gain can be simplified as follows: you have to send visitors (potential customers) to a site that sells products or services. If those visitors made a purchase the site will reward.
The agreement between you and e-commerce site is called "Affiliate Program". You are also known as the Affiliate Publisher. The ecommerce site is called Merchant or Advertiser.
Wanting to be more precise, the figures involved are four
potential customers. There are people interested in buying products / services via the Internet.
You / Your site. Through the site you advertise your products / services and to bring potential customers to a site that sells them.
Merchant. And 'the site you are affiliated: you send him customers, he pays you.
Manager of the affiliate program. Between you and merchantpotrebbe be an intermediary that deals with it to check the origin of customers, provide you with statistics on sales procured and manage payments. Sometimes the e-commerce site carries out these activities without relying on an outside service.
Your profit may not be limited to a percentage of sales but also depend on other actions by potential customers. The idea underlying the affiliate programs is in fact the so-called "Pay Per Action" which includes:
PPC - Pay Per Click: Earn a fixed amount for each click made by visitors sui banner/link del merchant inseriti nel tuo sito;
PPL - Pay Per Lead: guadagni un importo fisso per ogni iscrizione (o compilazione di un modulo) fatta da utenti provenienti dal tuo sito;
PPS - Pay Per Sale: guadagni una percentuale (o un importo fisso) sul valore degli acquisti fatti da visitatori provenienti dal tuo sito.
Consideriamo un sito che vende telefoni cellulari e ti paga € 0,05 PPC, € 1 PPL e 5% PPS.
Sul tuo sito descrivi un modello di cellulare e metti il link verso il sito che lo vende a € 200.
100 utenti cliccano sul link, 5 si registrano sul sito che lo vende e uno di questi lo acquista.
Il tuo guadagno sarà: 100 x 0,05 = € 5 per clicks, 5 x 1 = € 5 for lead, 5% € 200 = € 10 per sale.
You have won a total of € 20.
How do I start?
To make money with affiliate programs you must:
Choose one or more merchant that affiliates. Create content
contextual to the products you want to "sell."
Bring potential customers to your web pages (search engine rankings, buying advertising, etc. ..)
Choosing the merchant
The merchant in Italy are hundreds available, each offers at least one product / service, and many offering tens of thousands. So the choice is not lacking, it is important to choose well. Factors to consider are the following: Quality of
-merchant site. Buy on that site? He has reasonable prices or, alternatively, products are hard to find anywhere else? It 'a site / brand famous? You inspire confidence? If you answered yes to all (or most) of these questions proceed to step 2.
Type of products / services. The users of your site will be interested in some products sold by the merchant? You can create content on those products? If you wish to purchase advertising on search engines quickly assess how much competition there is (a more detailed analysis can be done at a later time).
How to pay? Estimate when you can earn for each sale is essential if you are considering buying advertising on search engines.
The merchant uses cookies to store the origin of the customer? The merchant must assign the sales commission even if the customers buy many days (or months) after clicking the link on your site. The merchant who do not use cookies are to be avoided.
You can start searching from our directory of affiliate programs. Create content targeted
'll decide to affiliate merchant that deals with all stages of the sale: customer acquisition, order management, payment processing and shipment of goods. Your job is "only" to help potential customers find a site that sells the product you are looking for. It would be better to say to convince potential customers to purchase your merchant's site to which you are affiliated with. What to do? There are several possibilities more or less effective:
Place banner ads on your website or in your newsletter. Buy
contextual advertising in search engines and send visitors directly to the merchant's website.
Create content on the product you wish to sell and insert a link to the site that sells it. For example you can write a review, a news report the views of other users, compare it with other products, and specify how much the different sites.
I deliberately wrote the various possibilità in ordine di efficacia crescente: i banner non rendono molto, il potenziale cliente normalmente cerca informazioni sul prodotto prima di acquistarlo e spera inoltre di trovare il sito con il prezzo più conveniente. Internet consente di passare velocemente da un sito all’altro in cerca di informazioni. Per questo motivo la credibilità del tuo sito è fondamentale, l’utente leggendo le tue pagine deve pensare: "Sono nel posto giusto. Parto da qui per decidere cosa e dove acquistare". Se stessi cercando una fotocamera, preferiresti acquistarla dopo aver cliccato su un banner pubblicitario all’interno di un sito qualunque oppure dove aver letto su un sito del settore che "Non ha tutte le funzionalità di una costosa macchina professionale, ma permette di fare delle splendide foto garantendo un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo. La puoi acquistare su questi siti: A (€ 150,00) B (€ 145,00) C (€ 165,00) D ( € 140 con spezione gratuita)"? (Questi concetti sono stati spiegati dettagliatamente nei seguenti articoli: "Come fare soldi con un blog usando i programmi di affiliazione", "Diventa un blogger autorevole e fai soldi in modo diretto e indiretto")
Riassumendo: il concetto base è quello di presentare sul tuo sito un prodotto ed inserire un link verso un sito (a cui sei affiliato) che lo vende. Se vieni pagato con la modalità pay per click devi solo preoccuparti di mandare il maggior numero di visitatori possible to the merchant's website. However, if you paid with a percentage of sales procured, you must make sure that users of your site should be on the merchant's website only when they are really motivated to buy. Otherwise you'll just free publicity.
source: alverde
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