After a long hangover of ore nearly two decades, consumption of sparkling water and natural rose from 65 to 192 liters per capita income, Italy has returned to the water do-it-yourself. Basta bottiglie di plastica (smaltirle costa quasi 250 euro a tonnellata).
Basta spese inutili. Il Belpaese ha rispolverato le brocche, scoperto le caraffe filtranti - "le vendite sono decollate", dicono alla Laica, numero uno del settore - ed è riapprodato all'autarchia idrica. Venezia - dove la campagna di Veritas (la municipalizzata locale) ha fatto aumentare del 4% il numero dei cittadini che bevono acqua di rubinetto - non è sola. L'Acea a Roma, l'Acquedotto Pugliese e quello lucano hanno "etichettato" il loro prodotto come fosse una "griffe" da ristorante due stelle Michelin.
Presentando sui propri siti le analisi organolettiche and mineral content guaranteed by thousands (350 thousand in the capital) checks a year. Plain water has reappeared after a decade on the tables of school canteens in Rome, Milan, Florence and Bologna. Perugia, Abbiategrasso, Monterotondo, Cusano Milanino and many other small towns in Italy have installed public fountains of sparkling water to quench the thirst of their citizens. In Turin and Piedmont is playing the campaign Tvb. Not the silly and abused "I love you" by text message, but "you want to drink," the slogan that brought hundreds of kindergartens and primary designer of the region, water bottles and brochures that accompanied the return of the older drink the world for lunch, avoid filling landfills Savoy of 22 000 plastic bottles a day.
economics and ecology, in fact, this return to past national board, go hand in hand. "Tap water costs 500 times less than the industrial competitor - says Luca Martinelli Altraeconomia, author of the highly successful" Little guide to the critical water consumption "-. But as he understood Cacciari also provides a huge environmental savings. " Italy produces 12.4 billion bottles a year consuming 655,000 tonnes of oil released into the air and 910 000 tonnes of CO2 in the dust-bin 200 000 tons of polyethylene, whose disposal (only one third is recycled) is borne by citizens and local authorities. " Not only that. Eight out of 10 liters of mineral in trucks travel hundreds of miles to get from source to supermarket shelves and restaurant tables. Burning liters of diesel.
quality? "Tap water has nothing to envy in the industry - ensures Martinelli -. Each well provides that from 100 to 10 000 liters, the needs of a small town, is subject to 70 inspections a year. In larger cities, the checks are tens of thousands. And a recent ruling by the TAR, but there was no need, requires public water transparency by publishing the results of all examinations. The legal limits are strict and apply to all.
It is no coincidence that more than 1,500 restaurants in the beautiful country have joined the campaign without any hesitation "Imbrocchiamola" Legambiente, explicitly offering menus in tap water. Smooth and sparkling water. To ensure the bubbles of carbon dioxide do-it-yourself in the third millennium are no longer Idriz and Frizzina - the magical powders of the 60s - but the new gasification, diabolical gadgets that are starting to gain by leaps and bounds the kitchens of Italians .
"We have started to offer them a year ago - confirmed Claudio Tagliapietra, commercial director of Sodastream, one of the leading national -. We had people believed that a sales target for 2009 is very ambitious and we have already reached in May, traveling at 15,000 pieces per month. " On an immature market (in Sweden there are 30% of households in the gasifier, we are in percentages by code number), but also a series of agreements with local governments who are dipping in the water business of the mayor. "In Venice, the Veritas is selling off our models - concluded Tagliapietra - charged to the cost in rate bills."
The mineral industry, 321 marks, 3.5 billion turnover and 8000 employees, accused - as was inevitable - the one-two of the crisis and the revival of the tap. "The Our sales dropped last year (-1.7%) for the first time in ten years - admits Ettore Fortuna, a number of Mineracqua, the organization of the field - because the people at the supermarket gives priority to less expensive labels, snubbing high-end ones. "
Competition aqueducts? "Tap water and we are two completely different things - he says -: we recover in a reservoir deep underground, protected and pristine and bottled at the source. That the municipal has the most diverse backgrounds. Turin takes part in the Po, Arno Florence, then the need to address, and disinfect potable. One study (not yet published) commissioned by the industry and challenged by Legambiente, says Fortune, "confirms that four out of a tap water with traces of bacteriological and" man-made contaminants ".
All in values \u200b\u200bwell below the maximum limits prescribed by law, though. And in most cases - Martinelli says - because of lack of maintenance of the house systems: "The municipal provide pure water to the counter, then too often administrators forget to deal with tanks and autoclaves. The collected
faucet is not something only Italian. Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York (a high aqueduct that draws on 13 reserves and 3 crystal clear lakes), has set much of his campaign to win their Sull'adda minerals (in the U.S. it takes a little 'less than here, even for the deadly competition from soft drinks). Although the home of Wall Street and the business were able to put a label on the market, "Tap'd NY" which sells for $ 2 a bottle bottled tap water (and there are people who bought it! ).
Paris, which had transferred to his private water systems, has backed off a few months ago. The management of Suez and Veolia - the mayor Bertrand Delanoe - had worsened the water quality and scrambled prices. And so the Comune ha ripreso il controllo del servizio.
Tutto il mondo è paese, insomma. L'autarchia idrica, complice la recessione, dilaga. Dalla Tour Eiffel all'Empire State Building, dalle case scandinave alla provincia italiana. Ultimo caso: l'apertura poche settimane fa di un distributore di H20 (si chiama proprio così) sulla strada Regina, due passi dalla villa di George Clooney sul lago di Como. Eroga, gratis, acqua limpida e purissima, liscia o gasata. Tutta prodotta della municipalizzata locale. Quella del comune di Acquaseria. Più di così...
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