Angelo Bucci è un designer abruzzese piuttosto eclettico: non solo interior, ma anche fashion design, designer of yachts and cars, all supported by a very important and valuable attention to research.
E 'starred Fuorisalone two creations fully in line with the sustainable approach: in fact, reflection of Angelo is much more' deep.
listen to what he tells us!
First of all, tell who is Angelo Bucci and what it does.
So, I am an architect specializing in Industrial Design, graduated here in Pescara where I live and work. I am a professional since 2000 and, in addition, do the teacher at the Universidad Europea of \u200b\u200bDesign in Pescara.
job and worked as a designer in many fields, always with great curiosity; this aspect of my job is what I like best. I like discovering new things, humble approach to areas that do not yet know to be able to question and learn.
This same spirit that leads me into the profession tries to return to the boys who follow my classes.
You took part in the Fuorisalone 2010, at the exhibition "Sustainability at full steam, with two products: what and why are they sustainable?
The two products presented at the 2010 Fuorisalone are chair and poltrOOn WALL. WALL
chair is a seat that easily transforms into a framework and vice versa. A new way to "hide" the chairs more ... show! WALL
chair is an environmentally friendly product because in materials (iron and aluminum) recyclable, designed to be easily disassembled and separated for recycling, and last but not least, accomplished through a very short chain. All companies involved are located within a few miles apart. WALL chair was the manifesto of a program, which we started, which is titled "deZign km0", aimed at enhancing regional capacities in the concept of glocalization (from local to global) that, in our opinion, to solve many potrbbe problems of today's markets, making people aware about the rediscovery of production capacity, planning and distribution of their local communities. Even
poltrOOn is part of "deZign km0": a chair with ottoman made entirely of cardboard sections, through joints simple, create a comfortable, durable and sustainable. By partnering with "ico", Corrugated Industry, Pianella (PE), we designed this (and other pieces of furniture belonging to the series cartoon) with the aim not to use adhesive hooks it strange to buy the decomposed product and then build it at home, but, above all, products that can be completely recycled and easily without having to separate anything.
Quale è stata la reazione della gente davanti ai tuoi prodotti?
La reazione davanti a WALL chair è sempre di stupore ed incredulità, è un prodotto che nessuno si aspetta e tutti si stupiscono della semplicità del movimento di apertura e chiusura. Dopo aver vinto un po' di paura, dovuta al sedersi su un disegno, è sempre giudicata anche molto comoda!
poltrOOn affascina molto le persone che, però, non si fidano della tenuta del cartone; di solito il passaggio è che io mi lancio sulla poltrona dimostrando la tenuta della struttura e dopo tutti ci si abbandonano su, soddisfatti e stupiti della inaspettata resistenza e comodità. Tutti reagiscono con stupore scoprendo le caratteristiche del cartone which until then had not understood.
What does it mean for you to be environmentally friendly design?
Eco-sustainability, like other major issues of design, it can be, unfortunately, easily offset by a superficial approach to the topic. A sustainable product is not only a product of cardboard, as a product "designed for all" is not a product for those who have a particular disability, and so I could go on citing the "design for recycling", etc. ..
I believe that environmental sustainability, as the other topics mentioned, should normally be contained in any product projects, eco-sustainability can be many things in one product: material, processing, finishing, recycling at the end of life, but most of all, it must be the message that sensitizes the viewer to that theme. Here
be eco-friendly design means making people aware, through the products, to the issues and reasons of environmental sustainability.
What does it mean for you to be environmentally friendly design?
Eco-sustainability, like other major issues of design, it can be, unfortunately, easily offset by a superficial approach to the topic. A sustainable product is not only a product of cardboard, as a product "designed for all" is not a product for those who have a particular disability, and so I could go on citing the "design for recycling", etc. ..
I believe that environmental sustainability, as the other topics mentioned, should normally be contained in any product projects, eco-sustainability can be many things in one product: material, processing, finishing, recycling at the end of life, but most of all, it must be the message that sensitizes the viewer to that theme. Here
be eco-friendly design means making people aware, through the products, to the issues and reasons of environmental sustainability.
Do you think that environmental sustainability can limit the creativity of the designer?
Absolutely not, like all the other constraints under which the path planning (economic, ergonomic, technicians, etc..) Eco-sustainability is another moment of "applied creativity" that generates the product. The project brings se tutta la cultura del momento in cui viene fatto, quindi, oltre le informazioni sulla tecnica, sull’ergonomia, etc., porta anche informazioni sulla coscienza ecologica che abbiamo in quel momento storico.
Nei tuoi progetti, l'attenzione verso l'ambiente è un punto cardine oppure una condizione accessoria, ma non esseniziale?
E’ solo una cosa naturale, è normale come chiedersi con quale materiale posso fare una cosa, così come mi chiedo se quello che sto disegnando sarà comodo o si potrà impugnare, allo stesso modo mi chiedo come lo riciclo, quale materiale mi conviene usare etc.
Avevi già preso parte a iniziative che si basano sulla sostenibilità environment?
Yes, as I told you, I've organized such initiatives (deZign km0) and I'm happy every time someone calls me or contact me on issues related to sustainability and to those themes, equally important, the design for all ", the" life-cycle design "and" design for recycling ". I am convinced that design has the ability to communicate intent beyond the single project, has the ability to raise public awareness in a gentle, bringing them closer to issues that otherwise seem increasingly distant and do not belong to your world.
plans for the future?
Many projects which, As always, I prefer not to speak for a kind of superstition. On the other hand manifest my many hopes for a future all aware, a design that is less "style" and more "design" a better economic and political situation worldwide e. .. the rest is private!
Want to add something?
addition to a duty to thank the interviewer for his interest, I would add only an appeal to young designers: work hard so that your products are more than just a fad, make sure that they become manifest an idea intellectual, critical project that represents you and the world in which you live, to resolve something that will make people think.
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