recent episode of The Report on tuna has created many questions about which fish are "right" to buy fresh or box.
The issue is not simple, because many species face extinction while for others the problem is caused by fishing techniques or breeding. But the role of the consumer is vital, because it can affect the choices on the state of the seas.
Slow Food has brought the campaign Fare's Fair, with the support of a small guide that provides a set of basic guidelines , which we summarize here.
Slow Food has brought the campaign Fare's Fair, with the support of a small guide that provides a set of basic guidelines , which we summarize here.
The basic rules
1. Get more information (da dove proviene? È allevato o pescato?)
2. Preferire la produzione nazionale , ancora meglio se della propria zona
3. Orientarsi sul pesce azzurro (alici, sardine, sgombri, palamite, tombarelli, …) e sui frutti di mare: sono prodotti con molti pregi, sia ambientali che nutritivi
4. Evitare sempre pesce sotto taglia
5. Alle specie sovrasfruttate (tonno rosso, pescespada, cernia, salmone...) preferire quelle che subiscono una minore pressione di pesca, neglette per quel che riguarda il mercato, ma molto interessanti dal punto di vista gastronomico.
6. Prefer fish with a short-lived , that they reach adulthood within a year or two (red mullet, sole, anchovies, sea bream, ...)
Fish Species little known but are tasty and economical alternative to low impact our usual food choices. Alalunga, mackerel, bonito, dumpers, all of the family of tuna, mackerel and then, pilot fish, bluefish, zerri, dolphin fish, snapper bastard, scabbard fish, spearfish .
Seasonality Seasonality is not just a matter of taste but respect the natural balance. Sea urchins reproduce between May and June: it is forbidden to consume during these months, it would put at risk the preservation of the species. Avoid eating the juvenile amberjack (from August to November). We eat dolphin because winter is the period where it is most good and not reproductive stage.
What fish is it?
We always know what kind of fish consumed ? When we buy is called dogfish, blue shark, porbeagle, veal or seafood dogfish but we know that this is shark meat? Tens of millions of sharks are killed each year, intentionally or accidentally, el 'Italy is among the largest consumers in the world . Eliminate these important predators from the food chain is disrupting the balance of the entire marine ecosystem.
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