Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pain During Ovulation

Interview with Bianca Cappello

Paper Fashion is an exciting project, conducted in collaboration with Comieco and some prestigious academies of fashion and design fashion and sustainability, and environmentally friendly fashion, here are two guidelines of this exhibition that, after Rome, arrives in Milan from April 29 at Palazzo Isimbardi.
The protagonist, as the name itself, is the paper, of all types, through strange and different techniques that are processed to give life to clothes, jewelry and objects entirely recyclable.

addition to the content, stands (structures in paper and / or cardboard, lightweight, portable, mountable, reusable and adaptable to any environment exhibition) will be in line with the underlying concept of the exhibition which aims to bring to light, developing in a very new and attractive, the current issues of eco-sustainability, recovery of cellulose-based materials and environmental compatibility. We talked with

Bianca Cappello, curator of the exhibition.

Six curator of the exhibition Fashion Paper, we explain in a nutshell is this?
Fashion Paper is a multi-project, was created to bring to the general public on the theme of the Charter as universal material. Using paper from all sources, the most valuable card to paper recycling, we tried to explain to the general public fontamentale echo the theme of sustainability while providing young talents of some of the major Italian cultural institutions the opportunity to become visible in a Featured exception.

Among the exhibits, a series of gray packing paper with the technique of quilling. What technique is it?
Quilling is an ancient technique, born in France in the eighteenth century and was used by nuns, often enclosed, to create beautiful ornaments for the sacred relics. The technique then spread and evolved in myriad of different applications, from African paper beads to design a wide variety of achievements.

Which, among the exhibits, you hit more 'and why? More
that my favorite opera, I would say and point out the fact that among the more than 120 works on display, all made exclusively in paper and cardboard, there is not a technique for color, shape and concept looks like another . They are all amazing creations and unique at the same time. The paper challenged the students and pulled out of each artist a unique, original and ingenious. Surely, however, was also critical of the work wise professors Angela Nocentini, Maria Teresa lighting, Edward Malagigi, Bruna Marchesan, Luisa and Roberto Zanon Boots that have been able, in their own way, interpret and direct the creative urges of its pupils.

In their learning process at school, students are heading to respect the environment?
certainly schools that have worked on the project AFOL Milan, Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence, Accademia di Brera in Milan, Accademia Albertina in Turin at a good level, but you can not make a speech because the general reality that we are talking about are the situations are many and varied. The eco design e le discipline volte all'ecologia e al riciclo sono un passo importante per portare gli studenti -gli adulti ed i genitori del futuro- a capire i materiali, la loro origine e la loro destinazione finale e divenire coscienti della realtà che ci circonda. Questo vale per la carta ma anche per la plastica, i metalli e ogni altro prodotto della nostra Società dei Consumi.
L'interesse che Fashion Paper ha suscitato è sicuramente un campanello importante per capire quanto il mondo contemporaneo abbia voglia di scoprire alternative per migliorare l'ambiente in cui viviamo.

Che risultati vuole raggiungere questa iniziativa?
Grazie anche alla Provincia di Milano e alla Provincia di Firenze che da subito hanno sostenuto il progetto, sentiamo di aver fatto un buon lavoro nel momento in cui il messaggio che passa al pubblico riesce ad avere una ripercussione positiva sull'ambiente in cui viviamo, creando sempre nuova e più profonda consapevolezza nella percezione del mondo e dei materiali che ci circondano.

Nel mondo della moda, l'ecosostenibilità è già un punto cardine oppure c'è ancora molto da lavorare?
Sicuramente l'eco sostenibilità è un campo di applicazione che si rende sempre più necessario, non solo nel campo della moda. Per portare le coscienze a comprendere e ad apprendere l'importanza del rispetto ambientale ci sono molti mezzi di comunicazione e forse quello dell'arte and fashion are the most attractive and immediately acceptable. In Germany, the paper is a popular material for many decades and used for purposes the most diverse in Italy excellent artists and designers are working on for several years and the interest in paper and paperboard has been growing exponentially especially in recent times. We must thank the pioneers of this research if we can now enjoy the benefit of a broad audience.


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