Il conto alla rovescia è terminato: dopo mesi di anticipazioni con il contagocce e grandi aspettative si apre a Milano la quarantanovesima edizione del Salone Internazionale del Mobile , che durerà fino al 19 aprile.
Accanto alle tradizionali esposizioni nel quartiere fieristico di Rho, la città sarà animata grazie al susseguirsi dalla vivacità of Fuorisalone : the events scheduled are a lot and winds through the streets of Milan more 'in vogue, from Porta Genova - Tortona area, at the Triennale, in the Roman area.
The Design Week goes green : many, in fact, the events dedicated to eco-and sustainability.
BestUp , has made a real sustainable route; BestUp is the circuit for the promotion of sustainable, born four years ago thanks to the work of journalists Clara Mantica and Giuliana Zoppi, and is committed to promoting a lifestyle nice, but ethical. On the website of the circuit is can access a recommended route which indicates that the eco hot spots around the city: descriptions, directions and photos not to miss the last frontiers of sustainable design.
To promote dissemination of the route, a treasure hunt in seven places in the city: each site is combined with a keyword eco universe of values, you only need five withdraw one of 200 prizes.
Digital Studio Milano Via Tortona, 35
To begin with, the Digital Studio Milan Zona Tortona opens Samsung Garden Design, a veritable "garden" urban and technological, which is the background exposure of the latest products launched by the various divisions consumer electronics and home appliances, mobile telephony and information technology; installation example of how technology can merge with the ecology. The Samsung
Garden Design Interactive is an event characterized by a varied program: the main area, each day there will be initiatives aimed at different audiences. First, the station's Music LifeGate , where every evening, from 18.00 to 20.00, guests can listen to space music selections sought by Ant and Larizza Depolique LifeGate Radio.
E 'in this context that Samsung, a leader in consumer electronics, realized its philosophy of sustainable innovation through Samsung Young Design Award . The creative competition for students of architecture and design, sponsored by ADI and now in its fourth edition, this year has the theme "Making sustainability fun with digital products."
Triennale di Milano Viale
square Alemagna 6 Triennale di Milano Viale
at the Milan Triennale, the exhibition "Square in three dimensions, where the designer Massimiliano Adami, Lorenzo Damiani, Luca Nichetto invited by Refin to interpret the ceramic product, helping to draw new perspectives. The exhibition represents the commitment of Refin to research, innovation, environmental sustainability and exploring new horizons, to aspire to establish a new perspective in the world of ceramics.
Steam Factory
via Luigi Nono, 7
At Steam Factory , BestUp for the fourth year cosecutivo organizes initiatives and content on the topic of sustainable design.
For 2010 The initiative focuses on " LifeCycleDesign +-CO2. From saying to doing. What to do? , confirming the quality of Best Up to be useful to sustainability of the table you can find practical information and opportunities for reflection, meetings and creating synergies between different actors, schools, professionals, business entities in the area. All accompanied by a statement of new collections of supporting members of the Circuit for the promotion of sustainable, providing important examples, with their course, useful to anyone wishing to take the path of eco.
The initiative takes place BestUp in Number of view, Block Green, an event that hosts a number of other projects that are eco their mainstay.
Island showroom,
via Carmagnola, 7
Even fashion can be green: at the Salone del Mobile 2010, Fashion Island offers the second edition of Green Milan Fashion , an event dedicated to fashion critical that the common denominator of environmental sustainability. The event this year will host the photographic exhibition Re_Public Fashion , where the photographer Alberto Bonardi through fourteen shots depicting the works of seven young independent brands.
La mostra sarà allestita in spazi differenti: di giorno all'Isola della moda, dove saranno esposte anche le collezioni protagoniste, e di sera al Frida, accompagnata da un piacevole aperitivo.
Allo spazio Pastengo Uno, invece, spazio agli accessori insieme al progetto My city Bag , dove i banner pubblicitari trovano nuova vita all’insegna del riciclo .
Sabato 17 Aprile, presso Isola della Moda, ci sarà la performance della fashion designer Samanthakhan Tihsler , che spiegherà la tecnica dell’intarsio per creare volumi e drappeggi. A seguire, aperitivo e proiezione delle immagini della mostra all’interno dello showroom, decorated for the occasion with ottoman made from recycled laboratory space 1380.
Sunday will be held instead of the laboratory "No wasting style" designer Quincy Turin.
Asap, as Sustainable as possible,
Corso Garibaldi, 14
Another eco event in the fashion world: Delfina Capuzzo presented his spring / summer collection 2010's dresses and knitwear. All items come from the reuse of unused yarn in the warehouses of manufacturers. The quality is so good, and also the price.
Galleria Venti Correnti,
via Cesare Correnti, 20
Milano Green presenta il Milano Green Festival , mostra evento con un calendario ricco di programmi che porta in scena l'ecosotenibilità nella vita di tutti i giorni. Milano Green è un'associazione composta da artisti, musicisti, designer e imprenditori, impegnati nella diffusione di uno stile di vita sostenibile nella citta di Milano. In occasione del Salone del Mobile, il festival sarà teatro della quotidianità sostenibile , con laboratori creativi, conferenze e occasioni di confronto in cui il green design e il riciclo si legano all'innovazione tecnologica e al particolare tessuto cittadino.
Among the other events already reported from this blog, we recommend Sparkling ecologically correct, the opening of the store Valcucine , Design Ear of praise, and the project IOricicloTUricicli , which will exhibit the best products participated in the contest.
We wish you enjoy your visit!
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