When women ask themselves the objectives, it is difficult to deter them: and so, in 2007, after thirteen meetings, the designers Angela Mensi , Ingrid Taro Cristina Merlo and give life to 13 Recreate , with the noble purpose to devote himself to a reinterpretation of material for the disuse, abandonment and the shredder.
albeit from different skills, the three designers do very well in order to create a sustainable reality, considering that any material can be a resource for creating new objects and projects.
Of everything we've talked with Angela Mensi .
Recreate 13 is a laboratory / studio that creates objects from existing materials and furnishings that are no longer considered as raw materials, usually industrial waste materials which by their nature are destined for the landfill.
Ingrid is an architect, photographer and takes care of external relations and many other things. It 'also shoulder
Angela dealing with materials research, product development and production. Cristina surveyor and is involved in restructuring green, respect, also manages the office and the technical part of Recreate.
We're small, we and within each of us must necessarily be multifaceted.
In your creations using materials otherwise destined for the shredder. How did this mania for reuse and recycling?
The Passion of what I call "the past", the materials that nobody wants, inherited from our common sense comes from the old, even when they were poor threw anything. In the rural life there were no waste, everything had a ring of re-use consumption is always closed.
In the industrial mentality is important to know the cost of waste. Having had the opportunity to see containers of clean materials going to landfill was a provocation too strong to not take advantage.
What was the most satisfying 'big that Recreate 13 has given you?
I could not answer precisely: it is many small and great satisfaction, that motivate us. We have many efforts to tackle and the rewards will help us to feel less burdens and difficulties.
What is the reaction of people in front of your creations?
Our creations often evoke awe, enthusiasm: I say this with ease, even admiration when we discover the nature of the materials with which they are made.
Use your suggestions to yourself furniture?
Certainly, something of our creations decorate our homes, they are also fun!
In the life of everyday people you care for the environment, for example in shopping, travel, etc.? In short, environmental sustainability has become a lifestyle for you full time?
course, full-time, providing there is no fanaticism and fundamentalism.
think that in view of the design made in Italy, the theme of environmental sustainability is addressed in an appropriate manner? If not, what can be changed or done in a better way?
be notified of Eco-sustainability to be assessed on a form of "interesting". There takes time and economic interests more widely budge in this direction. There is still much to do, although it is very late and we are far behind. They begin to awaken interest, but lacks ethics.
The average Italian consumer is really interested to host an eco-friendly lifestyle? What 'changed in recent years?
A small part is concerned, the most enlightened. I think they are those who believe that the world is not their property, but can enjoy keeping it in the best possible way.
media began to push, people sensibilizza.Il consumer has always been convinced by the cost-effectiveness, if you can do the same as the ecological cost is the maximum results.
What can companies do to convince the consumer?
turn the question: is the consumer who may persuade companies?
sure, advertising influences the buying a lot and can use strategies that leverage the ethics of the product, demonstrating the cost side.
plans for the future?
Many, always in turmoil. 13Ricrea has been found in various locations Fuorisalone 2010.
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