Thursday, April 29, 2010

How To Become An Owner Car Designer

Seasons Nao Tamura, a green table

Simpaticissima designer giapponese, Nao Tamura ha appena presentato, allo scorso Salone Satellite , il suo progetto Seasons , che, per la sua originalità, le ha fatto vincere il primo premio.

Anche se oramai vive a New York, Nao Tamura ha sempre nel cuore la tradizione del suo Giappone , tradizione that flows throughout this beautiful green building: Seasons is a collection of silica and silicone kitchenware poetically inspired cherry leaves. An 'effective idea to decorate with style and originality to the table, bringing to light that special bond that Japan has yet to plants, and that the designer describes in these words:

' in the land where I Grew up , spring is a time When Japanese sweets wrapped as
in cherry leaves. in summer, fiery in ripe tomato is carved out for use as a container seving.
in autumn, fallen foliage from maple trees decorates the dinner table.
and, the aroma of bamboo helps create the setting for winter.
just as winter is Followed by spring, There Are Those Things That wither and are born anew.
Both truisms run deep and are Able to move us from our core.
is this the cycle That Dictates life on earth? '

A collection that is inspired by nature and that returns to nature: silica, in fact, in comparison to glass and ceramics, is a material requires less energy to be worked, and has a greater resistance. Nao Tamura dishes are destined to last long, thus demonstrating its sustainability environment.

Each flat-leaf is different, like a true work of art. And just like a leaf, the dish is flexible, multipurpose: it can be rolled and compacted, or in combination with other pieces to create different compositions and to create many opportunities, making the new table every day.
The particular nature of silicon allows it to withstand even the most 'high temperatures, suitable for both the microwave oven, plus the fact that the dishes can be easily washed in the dishwasher.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Free Single Seat Sand Rail Plans

In Paris, the scene of sustainable luxury

Meeting in Paris, 6 to 10 May 2010 , where, in the evocative setting of the Palais de Tokyo, will host the second edition of sustainable luxury show.

The event, organized in collaboration with the WWF and the French Ministry of Culture, will show how to combine the aesthetic component, object quality and environmental protection. The display of products will be supported by the discussion of important topics, in order to inform and show to the public as the luxury sector is attentive to sustainable development.

The full name of the event is 1618 Sustainable Luxury Fair, where the figure "1618" refers to the golden number, Phi, which indicates the mathematical relationship between unequal sizes, and this number is considered divine is in fact the result of an equation of functionality, harmony and beauty between two seemingly unrelated items, just as the luxury and sustainability.

Cars, fashion, health club, accessories and furnishings, all strictly luxury, and absolutely everything in full compliance with some environmental parameters and human assessed by a special commission Expert: 60 exhibitors will attend the exhibition, divided according to industry sector, whose products are an example in environmental protection and human rights, of the materials and craftsmanship in manufacturing.
Among these stand out the names of Valentine Gauthier for fashion, travel tour operator Kuoni, Jel Jewelry for jewelry, accessories for ST Dupont, Saazs design, and many more

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SEED, the new standard for establishing the ' impact on the community

On March 27, 2010 in Washington, at the conference "Structures for Inclusion ", was presented the new standard SEED - Social Economic Environmental Design , which aims to guide the design projects, because they have the right carattistiche, positive quantifiable in relation to the community.
Taken from 2005 from an enlarged network of architects, nonprofit organizations, designers and experts in participatory planning, from 1 January 2010 that gathered around the portal, the system connected to the SEED identifies five basic principles to determine the impact of social, economic and environmental projects:

- supporting those who have less opportunity to make their voice in public life;
- build structures for inclusion involving investors and enable the community to take part in decision-making;
- to promote social equality through a dialogue that reflects the diversity of values \u200b\u200band social identities;
- produce ideas of where they originate and build local capacity;
- to develop projects that contribute to resource conservation and waste reduction.

The aim is to increase the right of every person live in a healthier community in social, economic and environmental , recognizing the vital role of design to achieve questo importante traguardo.

Il controllo del progetto può essere effettuato in progress, attraverso il software SEED Evaluator , che consente alle comunità di definire obiettivi progettuali e poi misurarne il grado di realizzazione attraverso una verifica di terze parti. Il riconocimento finale è la Certificazione SEED.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Nike Forearm Shievers

flowers PET Michelle Brand

L'artista Michelle Brand non ha certo problemi a trovare l'ispirazione: le basta una semplice bottiglia di plastica e tanta immaginazione, per rispondere in modo creativo ai problemi ambientali.

Esperta di riuso dei prodotti di massa, la designer di Manchester recycles one of the most 'hated by those who respect nature, PET plastic bottles, turning them into stylish objects of interior design. Retrieves the bottom of the bottle, remodeled and used as a modular element, from which draw out endless combinations of flowers transparent, thus creating curtains, screens, but also lamps and lampshades.

Eco-sustainability by Michelle Brand is to restore a sense of beauty to everyday objects and everyday materials: This project shows how a water bottle hides thousands of secrets, unknown to us, we use the object in our daily lives.

Finally, the young designer support the philosophy of the so-called "slow design ", or the opposite direction of the fast, frantic consumerism of contemporary society. His work and commitment have allowed it to only collect the prize in 2007 Gold Award in the "Environmental" in the British Female Inventors and Innovators Awards.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

How To Wash Chenille Throw

Poliart, tavolini da caffè per chi ama viaggiare

design is not sustainable, but it is designed for a good cause, to Luca Nichetto for Casamania . The Venetian established designer, who has worked for important companies of 'high design, at the Salone del Mobile presented Poliarte , curious project consists of four coffee tables, each representing a different city.

Paris, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bVenice, Istanbul : four cities, four cultures, four stories. Inspired by her love of travel and destinations, Luca Nichetto, the plan supported by Qualle elegant legs, the ripruduce plan of each city comes out of an original creation that can arouse surprise and promote the cultural knowledge of four European cities among the most 'rich history and places to discover.

The color choice is not left to chance: every city is composed of smells, tastes, special and unique atmosphere that remain in the hearts of those who, like Luca Nichetto, loves to travel. The designer, through the choice of color, reminiscent of the typical culinary delight : Venice the table is dark brown, like the famous risotto with squid ink, saffron yellow, Barcelona has almost evoke a steaming paella; Istanbul as a soft dove-gray typical of sweet-flavored white-washed pink sugar icing, Paris has a full-bodied red, reminiscent of a dish of tartare or a glass of ruby \u200b\u200bwine of Burgundy.

At the heart of this project is the concept of design sociale : una percentuale dei ricavi provenienti dalle vendite della collezione Poliart sarà infatti devoluta ad associazioni culturali operanti in ciascuna di queste città. Un’iniziativa che intende quindi fare del design un mezzo utile per la salvaguardia e la preservazione di questi luoghi straordinari.

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washable diaper

From April 24 to
2 May 2010

The Mondonuovo group supports and promotes the International Week of cloth diapers that involves 14 countries.

There are many reasons why would be preferable to use cloth diapers:
1. Hygiene
cloth diapers avoid all those problems to the body of the child with harmful materials, causing irritation and allergies.
2. Sustainability
The huge amount of disposable diapers consumed in Italy is a serious detriment to the environment. Every child at the end of the third year of life, will use from 4500 to 6500 diapers produces one ton of waste in landfills takes 500 years to degrade, while in
incinerators produce toxic fumes.
3. Economics
During the first three years of a child's life are spent on diapers from 1200 € up, depending on the number of transmissions and the brand used, whether the use of diapers is prolonged after 3 years may exceed 2000 €.
The cost of cloth diapers is much lower. Taking into consideration an identical period of three years, spending may be between 300 € and 900 €. This expenditure can be amortized using the same diaper with a second child or passing them to other mothers.
4. toilet training
And 'demonstrated that children who use cloth diapers you spannolinano before.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Beaver Waxing Uncensored

Kaldewei sceglie l'ecodesign con Conoflat

L'azienda tedesca Kaldewei , prima fornitrice europea di prodotti per l'arredobagno, ha presentato al Salone del Mobile 2010 il prodotto Conoflat , un piatto doccia in acciaio smaltato che, grazie al suo design innovation at the floor, provides great freedom of movement.
This product designed by Sottsass Associati, Kaldewei follows the most 'recent trends in bathroom furnishings, trends that move away from the shower area closed to open systems prefer can enhance the visual impact of the environment spacious. The shower tray at floor level then becomes the undisputed protagonist of the modern bathroom and high design content.

Conoflat with its minimalist design , but elegant solution is suitable for any bathroom, creating an effective overall harmonious also due to the refinement of its details: the hole drain, place in a central position, is characterized by a square-shaped glazed roof of the same color of the shower.
The product is available in seventeen different sizes , and thus respond to the most 'different needs, also for the wide range of colors: Kaldewei designs range from classic black or white to the color tone. Finally, for those who want a more decorative 'eccentric, the shower can be decorated, either with the stylish decor with an exclusive Lily or gilt decoration.

The careful research of the German does not neglect even the environment for the realization of Conoflat are in fact used natural materials, fully recyclable . The enameled steel that make up the shower tray Kaldewei is certified under the environmental statement IBU- ISO 14025 certification, which the company meets all the parameters in its proposals for the bathroom.
IBU is the certification for sustainable building in Germany sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Design (BMVBS), in collaboration with the German Society for Sustainable Construction (DGNB - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bauen nachhaltiges); This document certifies that the product meets certain parameters, to be appropriate due to environmental, in terms of energy and resources, reusability, type of materials and environmental impact. IBU is also approved under the standards under ISO 14025. Returning to

CHARACTERISTICS characterizing the shower, there are two words that are missing because the description is complete: ergonomics and safety . The installation at floor makes it easily accessible and excludes the danger of tripping. But not all: a special anti-slip enamelling which recalls the design of Conoflat and is available as an option, offers maximum safety and comfort.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Baby Papoose Knitted Patterns

Intervista con Angela Mensi di 13 Ricrea

When women ask themselves the objectives, it is difficult to deter them: and so, in 2007, after thirteen meetings, the designers Angela Mensi , Ingrid Taro Cristina Merlo and give life to 13 Recreate , with the noble purpose to devote himself to a reinterpretation of material for the disuse, abandonment and the shredder.
albeit from different skills, the three designers do very well in order to create a sustainable reality, considering that any material can be a resource for creating new objects and projects.

Of everything we've talked with Angela Mensi .

What Recreate 13 and the three designers who are the protagonists of this project?
Recreate 13 is a laboratory / studio that creates objects from existing materials and furnishings that are no longer considered as raw materials, usually industrial waste materials which by their nature are destined for the landfill.
Ingrid is an architect, photographer and takes care of external relations and many other things. It 'also shoulder
Angela dealing with materials research, product development and production. Cristina surveyor and is involved in restructuring green, respect, also manages the office and the technical part of Recreate.
We're small, we and within each of us must necessarily be multifaceted.

In your creations using materials otherwise destined for the shredder. How did this mania for reuse and recycling?
The Passion of what I call "the past", the materials that nobody wants, inherited from our common sense comes from the old, even when they were poor threw anything. In the rural life there were no waste, everything had a ring of re-use consumption is always closed.
In the industrial mentality is important to know the cost of waste. Having had the opportunity to see containers of clean materials going to landfill was a provocation too strong to not take advantage.

What was the most satisfying 'big that Recreate 13 has given you?
I could not answer precisely: it is many small and great satisfaction, that motivate us. We have many efforts to tackle and the rewards will help us to feel less burdens and difficulties.

What is the reaction of people in front of your creations?
Our creations often evoke awe, enthusiasm: I say this with ease, even admiration when we discover the nature of the materials with which they are made.

Use your suggestions to yourself furniture?
Certainly, something of our creations decorate our homes, they are also fun!

In the life of everyday people you care for the environment, for example in shopping, travel, etc.? In short, environmental sustainability has become a lifestyle for you full time?
course, full-time, providing there is no fanaticism and fundamentalism.

think that in view of the design made in Italy, the theme of environmental sustainability is addressed in an appropriate manner? If not, what can be changed or done in a better way?
be notified of Eco-sustainability to be assessed on a form of "interesting". There takes time and economic interests more widely budge in this direction. There is still much to do, although it is very late and we are far behind. They begin to awaken interest, but lacks ethics.

The average Italian consumer is really interested to host an eco-friendly lifestyle? What 'changed in recent years?
A small part is concerned, the most enlightened. I think they are those who believe that the world is not their property, but can enjoy keeping it in the best possible way.
If we speak of our reality, and I can only speak for what I note, a bit 'has expanded the ranks of people who believe they should and could do something.
media began to push, people sensibilizza.Il consumer has always been convinced by the cost-effectiveness, if you can do the same as the ecological cost is the maximum results.

What can companies do to convince the consumer?
turn the question: is the consumer who may persuade companies?
sure, advertising influences the buying a lot and can use strategies that leverage the ethics of the product, demonstrating the cost side.

plans for the future?
Many, always in turmoil. 13Ricrea has been found in various locations Fuorisalone 2010.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Knowledge About Pro Scout Rangefinders

ECOjosho e la moda in Jackoki di Elena Salmistraro

He had already talked about the design competition " IOriciclo, TUricicli ", organized by Catherine Misuraca and Paola Sammarro, in collaboration with the group 13Ricrea , and events related to the Fuorisalone 2010.
the Milan design week, in fact, have been exposed to the best works that have taken part in the competition among them, is the winner of the public line clothing ECOjosho , created by designers Elena Salmistraro with Cazzani Marie and Sara Belloli .

ECOjosho: a name, a mission, and the word is the translation from Japanese rebirth and describes a project born from the desire to transform waste materials into new buzzword. Origami and filigree work, construction techniques of the collection, recreating the material that it is reborn, in an eternal cycle of life.
Animals were exposed to Nhow Hotel in Milan, in Via Tortona 35, during the entire duration of Fuorisalone.

Salmistraro Elena, a young designer with many interesting projects already in assets, is not new to the technique of origami and paper processing: in the Fashion section of the Critical Power Critical Fair in Milan had made an original bodice Jacroki . The

Jackroki is a material Okinawa, designed by Michael Ruffin, and is made from natural fibers and recycled paper fibers. The main component of the raw material is cellulose (80%), the primary component of plant fibers, mixed with recycled waste paper and latex, and subsequently in several custom solutions for various specific uses. This innovative fabric is also washable and ironed.
The bodice exist in paper version and the version Jacroki, that an ad hoc tutu can be transformed into an innovative and elegant wedding dress.

The idea was born from the designer to the world of origami and paper industry in general, the desired effect was to create games of volumes and shapes that donassero to head a three-dimensionality that bringing out the shadows.

For this forty-ninth edition of the Salone del Mobile, Elena Salmistraro Jacroki has not waived, making him the protagonist, as well as the project won the audience prize in the competition "IOriciclo TUricicli", anche del personale stand che la designer ha esposto proprio presso lo showroom Okinawa , in via Tortona 15. Tra i vari oggetti, interessante il coprivaso origami .

Ulteriori informazioni possono essere trovate nel blog della designer Elena Salmistraro .

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Paty Manterola Getting Laid

Wearunique, vestirsi in modo unico ed etico

La quarantovesima edizione del Salone del Mobile è giunta oramai agli sgoccioli, ma è doveroso segnalare la buona riuscita dell'esposizione di Wearunique , che si è held on 15, 16, 17 April 2010 accompanied by several events at Form Moods within the International Center of Photography in Piazza Titus Lucretius Carus 1.

Wearunique What? It 'a young company, which gathers new realities and emerging brands, with the desire to offer unique and innovative objects , all with one common denominator: a strong appeal and a story to tell. A story that flows through the materials used, almost exclusively recycled or reused.

Do not believe us? Here are some examples! Among the items on display, Lotus Art Terre , three baskets colored objects and reversible door sized overlapping shaped flower, created by designer Brinda in 100% organic cotton made in India according to the principles of fair trade. Again the designer is
Brinda Jardipo Art Terre the toilet seat indoor and outdoor made Pévéchouk , a new recycled material, manufactured in France.
Lojo Ball , as The Union Flag or Silver in the more traditional billiard ball, is a pouf, with an inflatable back and seat padded with polystyrene pellets. It can be used as chair, footstool or seat, depending on the need for relaxation.
Cee Bee Small Handbag is a bag instead produced in Medan, Indonesia, from a women's cooperative that employs local women and those who come from regions devastated by the tsunami, created entirely using renewable raw materials, natural strictly organic and handmade. The images of old newspapers (not fashion magazines) are inserted and stitched between two layers of plastic non-toxic, recyclable and it also sewed as if the card was stuffing.

exhibition of products, the company has organized three evening events in collaboration with Ummagumma eventi.

Tutti i prodotti sono acquistabili direttamente online sul sito dell'azienda, tra l'altro sempre in cerca di nuovi talenti e nuovi oggetti green da proporre. Wearunique non è un semplice sito e-commerce, è anche un incubatore di idee, un progetto "work in progress" in continua evoluzione dove giovani artisti, designer e "web-addict" potranno proporre e presentare un proprio progetto o semplicemente un proprio sogno.
Wearunique offre inoltre uno sconto del 20% sugli articoli esposti al Fuorisalone : non lasciatevi scappare questa occasione!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Do You Get A W2 From State Disability

L'ecomobile allegro e colorato di Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

In occasione del Salone del Mobile , il marchio di moda Agatha Ruiz de la Prada , da tempo attivo nel campo dell'arredamento, presenta un progetto globale di casa : porte, mobili per gli interni e per gli esterni, maniglie, piastrelle, un insieme di pezzi ecologici. Dunque una collezione a basso impatto ambientale costituita da arredi e complementi in cartone riciclabile , prodotti in collaborazione con l'azienda italiana Corvasce.

Il tutto senza abbandonare lo stile colorato ed originale che contraddistingue da sempre il brand spagnolo; Agatha personalizza i diversi pezzi con motivi e icone fantasiose: un tavolo with multicolor stripes, chairs and sofas adorned with flowers and hearts printed on environmentally friendly material that give joy and liveliness to the house.

The materials are very durable and environmentally friendly 100 percent, the board also ensures lightweight material as well as in environmental, load resistance to Like the classic durable materials, packaging volumes reduced to a minimum and thereby reducing transportation costs, demonstrating the continued respect for the environment that the company carries out a long time.

The tiles are made by the English parmesan , with which the designer has collaborated for over 11 years. Parmesan produce high quality tiles, using Italian machinery and advanced technologies that make them resistant to external attacks such as water, heat and light. The colors are fixed in a permanent and the surface is extremely durable. The tiles are made in both solid and vibrant patterns: stripes, polka dots, stars and hearts are available in rich colors ranging from red to yellow, pistachio green to pink, from turquoise to blue to sky blue: a collection suitable for those who love and spiritual elements out of the ordinary.
For security doors instead Agatha Ruiz de la Prada chose Gardesa.