Friday, December 10, 2010

Kate Playground Streams

COSMETIC AND HANDICRAFTS BIOdetergenza, clean and beautiful do-it-yourself! About

Firenze - Viale Morgagni 40-44 Plexus educational

* December 13, 2010 - Room 009 - 15.30
cosmetics on the market: we trust of the advertising?
We talk to: Barbara Righini, founder of Saicosatispalmi ;
Casagli Eva and Claudia Lami , founders of the alternative project Biofficina Tuscany.

* December 15, 2010 - Classroom 013 - 15.30
Self: how to save themselves and without polluting the world
We spoke with: Ilaria Santoni, a member of GAOS Incisa Valdarno self-organizing workshops;
Maria Teresa De Nardis , co-author of the book "Guide to detergents bioallegri " (slides here)

Collective of Pharmacy - Farmacorestistenza
With the support of the University of Florence

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Newpaper Trash Can Liners

make himself, clean for three

Having clean house, rispettare l'ambiente, risparmiare denaro. Una sfida alla portata di tutti.

articolo di Terre di mezzo .

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Time To Get Cancer From Chewing

Cisliano (MI) - Evening with the detergent bioallegri

Il Gas Ceciliano organizza una serata di consigli pratici e ricette
per pulire di più, spendere e inquinare di meno presso il
Centro polifunzionale di via Vivaldi
Venerdì 19 novembre alle 21.00
Con Elda Alesani, coautrice della Guida ai detersivi bioallegri

Minicribs In Vancouver 4sell

Lucca - Seminar Detergents bioallegri

The Urban Farm "Riva degli Albogatti"
Ship Via Lucca Loc
the cliff at the European Week for Waste Reduction,
Saturday November 20, 2010 15:30
proposes the laboratory Detergents Bioallegri
with Maria Teresa De Nardis

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sugar Brazilian Wax Hawaii

European Week for Waste Reduction

20 to November 28, 2010

Discover the list of planned actions Week

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jawbreaker Jet Black Christoper Walken

October 3 - XI edition of "BioDomenica" environmentally friendly cleaning

Organic farmers meet Italian citizens in more than one hundred
squares across Italy

  • of the best tasting organic products
  • Meetings with local producers to receive information on the characteristics of food and method of production
  • Distribution material Farming
  • debates and events on the theme of "Organic Glocal"
  • Laboratories, games and entertainment for adults e bambini

Saranno presenti in piazza allevatori e agricoltori biologici e inoltre negozi, associazioni, gruppi d’acquisto del biologico

Tutti gli eventi regione per regione

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Are Nasal Tissue Damage

to read watch listen

3 video con i consigli pratici di
Raffaella Monti e Silvia Galimberti,
socie della "Casita", bottega di economia solidale
di Vedano al Lambro (MB)

(da Casa Facile di DONNAMODERNA.COM)

Detersivi ecologici e fai da te: istruzioni per l'uso

Come si fa un detersivo ecologico: Recipes DIY

How do the laundry in an environmentally friendly machine

Sara and Marco Sironi Tazzi

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

English To Hawaiian Phrase Translation

Solari do-it-yourself to tan bioallegra

If you want to follow the solar program bioallegro or are you already and you want to tan only moisturize the skin, we offer these recipes actually made and tested by us.

Butter solar

Ingredients - Shea Butter Raw Organic 80 g (high quality, herbal medicine stores or bio)
- Corn starch (Maizena) 15 g (at the supermarket or organic shops)
- Oil Rice added 15 g of vitamin E (Scott, the supermarket)
- Jojoba Oil Organic 10 g (in herbal or organic shops)
- Extra virgin unfiltered olive oil 15 g (the supermarket)
- soy lecithin 20 g cake (possibly non-GMO)
- Oe 5 drops Lavender aspic
- Oe 2 drops rose geranium

[Essential oils of good-quality! - are optional and only give a slight fragrance. Oe, which can be avoided by other photosensitizers.
soy lecithin is found in confectionery, has the consistency and color of honey. If you do not give, look on the Internet sites for do-it-yourself cosmetic. Otherwise, the recipe comes out well without it.
The shea butter must be of high quality otherwise it can give sensitization, if it is not rough in a sealed packet, opt for a refined white, as long as sealed and secured.]

Mix thoroughly the ingredients except the butter Shea and Oe Put them in a container in a water bath (low heat, do not boil!) along with shea butter, stirring well finquando is melted and all ingredients are well blended. Transfer to a jar left open to cool, covered with a towel. When the mixture is warm but not yet congealed, paid the Oe and mix well. Put the lid and let cool completely (depending on the temperature it will take an hour or more).

be used preferably to damp skin, first by passing wet hands over the body. But it can also spread to dry skin. If you have "buttered" too, passed on the skin a wet cloth to remove excess.
should be good for your face if you have oily skin.

Recipe enriched for the more experienced
The recipe gives a further improvement in terms of consistency and efficiency, with the addition of
- beeswax from beekeeping organic (naturally increased in proportion to oil and butter, otherwise the cream will become too mushy)
- Natural Vitamin E (Tocopherol) 15 drops
- Bisabolol (soothing) 4 drops

Oil Solar

Ingredients - Organic Jojoba Oil 1 part (in herbal or organic shops)
oil - rice with added Vitamin E 2 parts (Scotti, at the supermarket)
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil Unfiltered 2 parties (the supermarket)

Mix well and transfer the oil into a reservoir with good closure. A pleasure scented with a few drops essential oil of good quality are fine aspic Lavender, Geranium, Manuka, Rosalina.

Using oil ideal for facial and body skin pass a cloth soaked in water and well before the skin to dry thoroughly massage oil. If you are too shiny dab again with the wet cloth.
The emulsion is created between water and oil enhances the absorption by the skin.

Warning! Butter oil and solar offer low (2-4).
At 3 months are kept fresh. It 'best not to take them on the beach and still keep them in the shade.

treatments after-sun As wise and
bioallegra, a tan is always a stress for the skin and is often the case that only a week of sun, sea, mountain, swimming pool or elsewhere-will be able to erase a year of expensive beauty treatments (conventional or natural ).
So we add as a perfect addition to keep your skin hydrated and to eliminate the aggression of classic cleaners, a bathroom / shower and a mask. This increases the pool of hydration.

dissolve in the tub a few handfuls of corn starch (Maizena) and sprinkle some of your intimate wash (ideally a pH of 4.5 is good but all those sensitive)
Lavatevi semplicemente cosi, eventualmente tamponando con una spugna morbida, senza strofinare.
Alla fine sciacquatevi.

In una ciotola con acqua tiepida stemperate 2-3 cucchiai di Amido di mais e 2 spruzzatine di detergente intimo. Tamponate la pelle con questa miscela, senza strofinare, poi sciacquatevi.

Alla fine del bagno/doccia applicate una crema corpo idratante leggera o un gel idratante. Ripetete l'applicazione dopo qualche ora se notate che la pelle ne ha bisogno.

Maschera idratante viso collo e scollatura

- 1 banana matura a pezzetti
- Half
grated carrots - 1 teaspoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons granular non-GMO soy lecithin (various brands at the supermarket)
- 5 tablespoons (or more, depending on thickness) d ' mountain spring water (to avoid the chlorine of the aqueducts)
- 1 tablespoon oil Scotti rice (with Vitamin E)

Put all the ingredients in a blender until the mixture is homogeneous.
Spread this "cream" on a well cleansed skin. Leave on for 20-30 minutes or more.
Remove and rinse well with warm water.

Do 1 or 2 times a week, both in preparation for the sun, and after the exposure. Contributes to a golden tan and a lot more durable.

to achieve "perfection" would be ideal to wash your skin, after removing the mask, with a "cleaner riacidificante" of the type used in residential design. You can ask the champions or buy a vial from your beautician.

After washing, apply your favorite moisturizer.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Can Go Tanning While Using Clonazepam


We are in the summer of natural cosmetics and forums are full of discussions on physical and chemical sunscreens, nanoparticles, tan, vitamin D, children, etc..
There are many opinions about it, often contradictory, partly because the technology is "young" and studies on the effects of radiation on the filters and consequently on the skin are few and in turn do not agree.

point out some interesting articles that explain the formulation of sunscreen products, how they work, and raise doubts about the effects of substances used.

I go to sun cream that I wear?

solar filters with inorganic micronized form

The importance of vitamin D

nanoparticles in cosmetics. What are the risks?


Two considerations appear to apparently contradictory
- sun exposure is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D

- that of a tan is fashionable in recent 50-60 years, because until the early decades of the 900 was unseemly for noblewomen show a tan, which was set to manual labor. In what fashion, we can look with a critical eye and conscious.

Compared with the first requirement, it is the opinion of many doctors for proper bone development takes 10 minutes per day of exposure to whether or not direct light.

the need for aesthetics, however, we think you should expose to the sun a few hours a day, morning and afternoon before 11 after 17. At these times the sun is low on the horizon and the rays from the atmosphere as filtered, so there should not damage the skin, apart from the delicate types. Therefore, in these hours the station is not necessary and just keep the skin hydrated.
The tan will not be fast or "wild", but will be more natural and will not grow old the skin.

In the other hours you can stay in the woods or under a veranda, enjoying the view, however, widespread and if you feel the need to take a refreshing swim, you can do with a shirt or wearing robes.

Who has the pace of life is incompatible with this method and maybe have a few days left and still want the tan, we recommend you choose a solar filter with micronized physical but not "nano". To spread a generous amount and repeat the application several times during the exposure. In fact, the protection index is calibrated to the most abundant quantities than we usually use.

Finally, remember that:
# ultraviolet rays are able to cross clouds;

# also under the umbrella you receive more than 50% of all ultraviolet rays;

# 95% of ultraviolet rays penetrate through the water;
# 50% of UV-B hits the Earth between 11.00 and 16.00, with this time slot at greater risk of photodamage;

# solar radiation reaches the retina, it will be good to wear glasses with tinted lenses;

# children, especially before three years, should not be exposed to the sun without clothing, dark glasses and hat.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blood Plasma Arlington,tx

Producing plastic from the Canary Islands banana

Chi avrebbe mai immaginato di poter ricavare della plastica dalle banane? L'esperimento dei ricercatori dell' università di Belfast , nell'ambito del progetto Badana , è invece andato a buon fine, portando alla luce un prezioso metodo sostenibile : tale procedimento permette di evitare, nelle Isole Canarie, lo spreco di 25 mila tonnellate di banani che ogni anno vengono gettati.

Il progetto Badana, avviato nel luglio 2009 e della durata di due anni, ha ricevuto finanziamenti europei per 1 milione di euro : denaro che i ricercatori utilizzano al fine di mettere a punto nuove procedure per incorporare i sottoprodotti derivanti by banana plantations in the Canary Islands in the production of rotationally molded plastic with .

Bananas are a typical product of the Canary Islands, just think that "almost 20% of the bananas consumed in Europe come from the Canary Islands. Only on the island of Gran Canaria are growing every year about 10 million banana "says Mark Kearns, manager of the Polymer Processing Research Centre in Belfast.

" Once the fruits have been collected, the remainder of the plant ends up as waste ," he added, " and natural fibers contained in them could be used to produce rotationally molded plastic products for everyday items such as dolls, gas cans and cans for recycling "

" fibers of the banana tree will be processed and treated before being added to a mixture of plastic and sandwiched between two thick layers of pure plastics can guarantee excellent structural properties, "said Kearns contnuato.

Therefore, a new method, ecological and sustainable, a process that, first, should feed 's local economy, bringing benefits to companies that cultivate and sell bananas, and other environment-friendly, since it will be significantly reduced the amount of polyethylene used in rotational molding.

All papers in order to launch more environmentally-friendly era for the production of plastic!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How Much Can Bmx Gloves Cost

Here's how to create a bracelet from a bottle!

After the creation of a plastic bottle 100% recyclable and made from a mixture of up to 30% of recyclable materials, the soul of the brand label Dasani does not stop there: a company, in fact, has launched a valuable collaboration with the designer Erika Domesek , which realizes capi e accessori con materiali riciclati.

Dasani è un brand che fa della filosofia eco sostenibile un suo punto cardine: tra le varie attività a favore dell'ecologia Dasani ha aperto anche uno spazio dedicato al riciclo e alla moda fai da te, dove troviamo dei preziosi consigli della stilista Erika su come trasformare diversi materiali in utili e originali capi da indossare.

Nella sezione, sono disponibili alcuni tutorial, tra cui questo con il quale Erika ci insegna come trasformare delle bottiglie di plastica in simpatici e colorati braccialetti!

Il contributo piu' interessante di Dasani sul fronte ecologico, rimane comunque Plantbottle , il cui successo was evidenced by the fact that the bottle was soon adopted by Cola Cola : it is a fully recyclable product for more 'format from 30% natural materials to replace non-renewable share in the traditional PET plastic.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Can U Open A Master Lock With A Hammer

Rome - The Festival of Associations

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Song That Sounds Like Sidney Samson

Ekokook, the kitchen of the future

Ekokook is called, and is the kitchen of the future: it is an exciting new project by Faltazi design, which aims to bring ecology in the world of cooking home.
The theme of energy saving is particularly important in the kitchen: it is in fact the environment in which they retain the waste, food to burn, as well as energy expenditure, generating between 85 and 90% of junk family.
It 's a very high figure and if you add to this that often the collection is not conducted properly, it is understood that the waste is enormous.

This was the starting point of French designers Massimo and Victor Laurent Lebot, reflection from which is born then Ekokook, cooking label. The concept is the driving recycling and reuse of materials , from water to plastic: the environment is developed, because everyone can become self-sufficient at home, and especially in the kitchen.

Designers Victor Massip, Laurent Lebot, have designed a system where the water is recycled, for example for watering plants and gardens, while the waste is disposed of through the help of earthworms : The kitchen includes containers unused boxes, a tank under the sink to collect water for reuse and a container where the earthworms consume organic waste.

solid waste is compacted and pressed instead, assembled through the collection.
addition, the refrigerator is equipped with watertight compartments to avoid wasting energy.

To better understand, here are the words which is presented to the project:
" Our project is based on four essential elements of waste management, health food, reducing energy consumption and intelligent storage. We focus on materials that lie between the house and external resources: every wall, balcony, window, door or shutter can be used as support for environmentally-friendly installation. Each installation that interacts with external elements is capable of producing an immediate economic benefit. All air, water, wind and the sun reaching the house must be seen as valuable resources to capture and use .

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Remington 870mcs For Sale

Pesce, fish No: what to buy?

recent episode of The Report on tuna has created many questions about which fish are "right" to buy fresh or box.
The issue is not simple, because many species face extinction while for others the problem is caused by fishing techniques or breeding. But the role of the consumer is vital, because it can affect the choices on the state of the seas.

Slow Food has brought the campaign Fare's Fair, with the support of a small guide that provides a set of basic guidelines , which we summarize here.

The basic rules
1. Get more information (da dove proviene? È allevato o pescato?)
2. Preferire la produzione nazionale , ancora meglio se della propria zona
3. Orientarsi sul pesce azzurro (alici, sardine, sgombri, palamite, tombarelli, …) e sui frutti di mare: sono prodotti con molti pregi, sia ambientali che nutritivi
4. Evitare sempre pesce sotto taglia
5. Alle specie sovrasfruttate (tonno rosso, pescespada, cernia, salmone...) preferire quelle che subiscono una minore pressione di pesca, neglette per quel che riguarda il mercato, ma molto interessanti dal punto di vista gastronomico.
6. Prefer fish with a short-lived , that they reach adulthood within a year or two (red mullet, sole, anchovies, sea bream, ...)

Fish Species little known but are tasty and economical alternative to low impact our usual food choices. Alalunga, mackerel, bonito, dumpers, all of the family of tuna, mackerel and then, pilot fish, bluefish, zerri, dolphin fish, snapper bastard, scabbard fish, spearfish .

Seasonality Seasonality is not just a matter of taste but respect the natural balance. Sea urchins reproduce between May and June: it is forbidden to consume during these months, it would put at risk the preservation of the species. Avoid eating the juvenile amberjack (from August to November). We eat dolphin because winter is the period where it is most good and not reproductive stage.

What fish is it?
We always know what kind of fish consumed ? When we buy is called dogfish, blue shark, porbeagle, veal or seafood dogfish but we know that this is shark meat? Tens of millions of sharks are killed each year, intentionally or accidentally, el 'Italy is among the largest consumers in the world . Eliminate these important predators from the food chain is disrupting the balance of the entire marine ecosystem.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tech Deck Coulor Wheels

Interview with Alex Cerra

Alessandro Acerra is a river of ideas has gained fame thanks to its eco t-shirt, t-shirts made by hand one by one, with great care and with final finishing needle: each piece is designed, cut and sewn stitching fabrics different. Finally
a different idea, and more 'echo, because the tissues derived from waste materials and a project against the' mass approval, each t-shirt is different and has with him a certificate of authenticity that guarantees its uniqueness.
addition to eco t-shirt, here are the eco-toys : also unique pieces of cloth are cute little monsters recycled to help us keep the environment clean. In fact, depending on the size, they become special containers and baskets.
Alessandro Acerra, however, is not only that: it is an eclectic, which is pursuing the eco-challenge in many fields of art: leave to him the word!

First, who is Alessandro Acerra?
My name is Alessandro Acerra and I was born in Avellino in 1980. I graduated at the 'Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano in 2005, address design as contemporary crafts, with a dissertation on eco-design entitled "Nothing is created, everything is recycled." While I finished my studies, I attended various training courses in 3D modeling and visual communication at the Politecnico di Milano.
Today, in addition to devote to the eco t-shirt, I carry my own innate drive towards art in general, eco design, paintings, installations, videos. I feel alive in this way.
Hibu is the name of my personal website, and is built around one word of which serves to give a landmark to locate my product.

You call yourself eco designer, but what does that mean exactly?
The fabric I use are gathered from the catwalks of Milan fashion, used clothing, textiles found or given. The eco t-shirts are a product of the idea that from the beginning until the spedizione curo personalmente, sia come giusto sia nella cucitura a macchina e nelle rifiniture ad ago di ogni singolo pezzo. In questo modo sono sicuro di rendere il prodotto con il tempo sempre più apprezzato e icona di qualità.

Non pensi che tutti i designers al giorno d'oggi dovrebbero essere un po' ecodesigners?
Il percorso di trasformazione è lungo ma non impossibile,sicuramete quelli della mia generazione nascono eco fin dall'inizio.

Quando è nata precisamente questa tua attenzione verso l'ambiente e le tematiche sociali?
Sicuramete il mio carattere e attenzione personale e sempre stato rivolto verso questo tema.
Gli studi in eco design mi hanno dato gli strumenti per operare e salvare il paziente e dargli le medicine giuste.

Ti sei laureato con una tesi in Ecodesign dal titolo "la sfida del nuovo millenio", ci riassumi in poche righe la tematica principale?
L’opera trasmette “il MESSAGGIO”che nel mio caso è quello di sensibilizzare e far riflettere anche sulle problematiche dello spreco di risorse e del rispetto dell'ambiente attraverso il servizio del riciclo che diventa strumento a servizio dell'arte.

Che progetti hai per il futuro?
Voglio spaziare in tutti i campi portando il mio messaggio eco, realizzando tutti i miei pensieri creativi.

Dove possono essere acquistati i tuoi prodotti?
Sul mio sito persolae

Friday, May 21, 2010

Formulas Of Deferred Annuity

The coffee grounds become mobile

Chi ha detto che essere ecologici è un limite per la creatività? A guardare cosa è venuto fuori dalla collaborazione di Re-worked e Axion Polymers si direbbe esattamente il contrario!

Reinventare, sperimentare per trovare il modo di trasformare rifiuti tra i più insospettabili in qualcosa di utile e di nuovo: questa volta è il turno dei fondi del caffè , un prodotto che produciamo quotidianamente in grande quantità, e che queste aziende British exploited as the basis for some parts of furniture such as chairs and tables.

The coffee grounds are mixed together with recycled plastic and a mixture of beans, so that arose on the lastresomiglianti plastic. This new material, the typical color of coffee, has been named Curface .

The legs of tables and chairs, however, have been obtained from local trees that would have been killed anyway, so there was no waste of trees.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Good Tripod For Uneven

Award to the winners of Coca - Cola "Re: Design Positively - New containers for recycling"

Yesterday May 17, at the Triennale di Milano, took place the ceremony of the " Re: Design Positively - Nuovi contenitori per la raccolta differenziata ", promosso da Coca Cola in collaborazione con l'associazione ReMade in Italy e con la Facoltà di Design del Politecnico di Milano .

Finalità del concorso è  l’individuazione di una proposta progettuale di contenitori per la raccolta differenziata di plastica, carta, alluminio e vetro, realizzati con materiali riciclati post-consumo ; a ciò si aggiunge la forte volontà di Coca Cola nel sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica verso il consumo rispettoso per l'ambiente.

Il concorso, che nasce nell'ambito della piattaforma di comunicazione Live Positively , promossa da Coca-Cola in tutto il mondo, ha visto la partecipazione di 182 tra giovani designer, artisti e architetti sotto i 35 anni: tutti progetti sviluppati su linee guida e criteri precisi quali innovazione, sostenibilità, estetica, funzionalità, qualità, adeguatezza alla produzione industriale, utilizzo di materiale riciclato.

La giuria, composta da personaggi illustri di Coca Cola Italia e del mondo del design, ha selezionato 12 progetti, convertiti poi dai finalisti in prototipi ed esposti alla Triennale di Milano.

Il contenitore per la raccolta differenziata No Bidoni "Ci ricicliamo, non invecchiamo" del venticinquenne Walter Giovanniello, ranked first. The young designer has been awarded a prize of € 15,000 so motivated by the jury: " iconic image and strong communicative value and use of various recycled materials.
Second place Clip group that Lorenzo Marzoli received an award for 8000 € "the formal simplicity and great ease of use." Third place
the project plant them Manuel Cavallin for " further intended function that calls for the use in new urban environments and public."

" This project shows how the recycling of the waste may become a fun and aesthetically pleasing, when creativity becomes the object of daily use plays a social role that goes beyond the mere exercise of style , "said Alessandro Magnoni , Director of General Affairs Coca-Cola HBC Italy - " The desire to make some of these concrete objects in the area, thanks to the collaboration of key partners such as Autogrill, confirms the validity of the entire plan and the novelty of a competition that is based on a more modern culture of sustainable reuse .

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ikusa Otome Suvia Vol 4

Konnex the bookcase Florian Gross

In our era we have oramai di tutte le tecnologie piu' avanzate: molti, però, continuano a preferire il piacere di un buon libro. Da qui, sono molte le proposte di soluzioni modulari per librerie: questa si chiama Konnex , ed è firmata dal giovane designer tedesco Florian Gross.

Presentata per la prima volta presso la fiera Ambient di Francoforte, Konnex è una libreria componibile composta di un set di cubi di dimensioni crescenti, i quali sono dotati ai lati di una serie di tagli: tali tagli permettono all'utente di assemblare i vari moduli e comporre la libreria in base al proprio gusto e alle esigenze di ogni singolo spazio.

Un' idea semplice, ma efficace: quella che si presenta come una serie di cubi, può diventare un particolare oggetto di design, in grado di arredare piacevolmente lo spazio circostante e, qualora si cambi idea, è possibile produrre una nuova composizione.

Inoltre, Konnex non è solo una libreria: assemblando i vari pezzi è possibile ricreare elementi d’arredo da affiancare magari ad una scrivania o delle vere e proprie pareti.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where Can Get Mesprit In Pokemon Deluge

Interview with Angelo Bucci

Angelo Bucci è un designer abruzzese piuttosto eclettico: non solo interior, ma anche fashion design, designer of yachts and cars, all supported by a very important and valuable attention to research.
E 'starred Fuorisalone two creations fully in line with the sustainable approach: in fact, reflection of Angelo is much more' deep.
listen to what he tells us!

First of all, tell who is Angelo Bucci and what it does.
So, I am an architect specializing in Industrial Design, graduated here in Pescara where I live and work. I am a professional since 2000 and, in addition, do the teacher at the Universidad Europea of \u200b\u200bDesign in Pescara.
job and worked as a designer in many fields, always with great curiosity; this aspect of my job is what I like best. I like discovering new things, humble approach to areas that do not yet know to be able to question and learn.
This same spirit that leads me into the profession tries to return to the boys who follow my classes.

You took part in the Fuorisalone 2010, at the exhibition "Sustainability at full steam, with two products: what and why are they sustainable?
The two products presented at the 2010 Fuorisalone are chair and poltrOOn WALL. WALL
chair is a seat that easily transforms into a framework and vice versa. A new way to "hide" the chairs more ... show! WALL
chair is an environmentally friendly product because in materials (iron and aluminum) recyclable, designed to be easily disassembled and separated for recycling, and last but not least, accomplished through a very short chain. All companies involved are located within a few miles apart. WALL chair was the manifesto of a program, which we started, which is titled "deZign km0", aimed at enhancing regional capacities in the concept of glocalization (from local to global) that, in our opinion, to solve many potrbbe problems of today's markets, making people aware about the rediscovery of production capacity, planning and distribution of their local communities. Even
poltrOOn is part of "deZign km0": a chair with ottoman made entirely of cardboard sections, through joints simple, create a comfortable, durable and sustainable. By partnering with "ico", Corrugated Industry, Pianella (PE), we designed this (and other pieces of furniture belonging to the series cartoon) with the aim not to use adhesive hooks it strange to buy the decomposed product and then build it at home, but, above all, products that can be completely recycled and easily without having to separate anything.

Quale è stata la reazione della gente davanti ai tuoi prodotti?
La reazione davanti a WALL chair è sempre di stupore ed incredulità, è un prodotto che nessuno si aspetta e tutti si stupiscono della semplicità del movimento di apertura e chiusura. Dopo aver vinto un po' di paura, dovuta al sedersi su un disegno, è sempre giudicata anche molto comoda!
poltrOOn affascina molto le persone che, però, non si fidano della tenuta del cartone; di solito il passaggio è che io mi lancio sulla poltrona dimostrando la tenuta della struttura e dopo tutti ci si abbandonano su, soddisfatti e stupiti della inaspettata resistenza e comodità. Tutti reagiscono con stupore scoprendo le caratteristiche del cartone which until then had not understood.

What does it mean for you to be environmentally friendly design?
Eco-sustainability, like other major issues of design, it can be, unfortunately, easily offset by a superficial approach to the topic. A sustainable product is not only a product of cardboard, as a product "designed for all" is not a product for those who have a particular disability, and so I could go on citing the "design for recycling", etc. ..
I believe that environmental sustainability, as the other topics mentioned, should normally be contained in any product projects, eco-sustainability can be many things in one product: material, processing, finishing, recycling at the end of life, but most of all, it must be the message that sensitizes the viewer to that theme. Here
be eco-friendly design means making people aware, through the products, to the issues and reasons of environmental sustainability.

Do you think that environmental sustainability can limit the creativity of the designer?
Absolutely not, like all the other constraints under which the path planning (economic, ergonomic, technicians, etc..) Eco-sustainability is another moment of "applied creativity" that generates the product. The project brings se tutta la cultura del momento in cui viene fatto, quindi, oltre le informazioni sulla tecnica, sull’ergonomia, etc., porta anche informazioni sulla coscienza ecologica che abbiamo in quel momento storico.

Nei tuoi progetti, l'attenzione verso l'ambiente è un punto cardine oppure una condizione accessoria, ma non esseniziale?
E’ solo una cosa naturale, è normale come chiedersi con quale materiale posso fare una cosa, così come mi chiedo se quello che sto disegnando sarà comodo o si potrà impugnare, allo stesso modo mi chiedo come lo riciclo, quale materiale mi conviene usare etc.

Avevi già preso parte a iniziative che si basano sulla sostenibilità environment?
Yes, as I told you, I've organized such initiatives (deZign km0) and I'm happy every time someone calls me or contact me on issues related to sustainability and to those themes, equally important, the design for all ", the" life-cycle design "and" design for recycling ". I am convinced that design has the ability to communicate intent beyond the single project, has the ability to raise public awareness in a gentle, bringing them closer to issues that otherwise seem increasingly distant and do not belong to your world.

plans for the future?
Many projects which, As always, I prefer not to speak for a kind of superstition. On the other hand manifest my many hopes for a future all aware, a design that is less "style" and more "design" a better economic and political situation worldwide e. .. the rest is private!

Want to add something?
addition to a duty to thank the interviewer for his interest, I would add only an appeal to young designers: work hard so that your products are more than just a fad, make sure that they become manifest an idea intellectual, critical project that represents you and the world in which you live, to resolve something that will make people think.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Template Descendant Family Tree Chart

May 9: National Day of the International Cycling Week

Cycling is synonymous with health, simplicity and enthusiasm, as the primary means of locomotion that every child receives in their life, a symbol of eco contrast to the frenzy of urban life and thanks to pollution ' absence of toxic emissions to the air.

The Day of the Bicycle is an occasion for celebration and re-appropriation by the population of their cities, too often the prey of the chaotic traffic and pollution and from which you depart over the weekend to "get away", but also a time of revival of urban social space.

All initiatives on Sunday (see map)