Butter solar
Ingredients - Shea Butter Raw Organic 80 g (high quality, herbal medicine stores or bio)
- Corn starch (Maizena) 15 g (at the supermarket or organic shops)
- Oil Rice added 15 g of vitamin E (Scott, the supermarket)
- Jojoba Oil Organic 10 g (in herbal or organic shops)
- Extra virgin unfiltered olive oil 15 g (the supermarket)
- soy lecithin 20 g cake (possibly non-GMO)
- Oe 5 drops Lavender aspic
- Oe 2 drops rose geranium
[Essential oils of good-quality! - are optional and only give a slight fragrance. Oe, which can be avoided by other photosensitizers.
soy lecithin is found in confectionery, has the consistency and color of honey. If you do not give, look on the Internet sites for do-it-yourself cosmetic. Otherwise, the recipe comes out well without it.
The shea butter must be of high quality otherwise it can give sensitization, if it is not rough in a sealed packet, opt for a refined white, as long as sealed and secured.]
Mix thoroughly the ingredients except the butter Shea and Oe Put them in a container in a water bath (low heat, do not boil!) along with shea butter, stirring well finquando is melted and all ingredients are well blended. Transfer to a jar left open to cool, covered with a towel. When the mixture is warm but not yet congealed, paid the Oe and mix well. Put the lid and let cool completely (depending on the temperature it will take an hour or more).
be used preferably to damp skin, first by passing wet hands over the body. But it can also spread to dry skin. If you have "buttered" too, passed on the skin a wet cloth to remove excess.
should be good for your face if you have oily skin.
Recipe enriched for the more experienced
The recipe gives a further improvement in terms of consistency and efficiency, with the addition of
- beeswax from beekeeping organic (naturally increased in proportion to oil and butter, otherwise the cream will become too mushy)
- Natural Vitamin E (Tocopherol) 15 drops
- Bisabolol (soothing) 4 drops
Oil Solar
Ingredients - Organic Jojoba Oil 1 part (in herbal or organic shops)
oil - rice with added Vitamin E 2 parts (Scotti, at the supermarket)
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil Unfiltered 2 parties (the supermarket)
Mix well and transfer the oil into a reservoir with good closure. A pleasure scented with a few drops essential oil of good quality are fine aspic Lavender, Geranium, Manuka, Rosalina.
Using oil ideal for facial and body skin pass a cloth soaked in water and well before the skin to dry thoroughly massage oil. If you are too shiny dab again with the wet cloth.
The emulsion is created between water and oil enhances the absorption by the skin.
Warning! Butter oil and solar offer low (2-4).
At 3 months are kept fresh. It 'best not to take them on the beach and still keep them in the shade.
treatments after-sun As wise and
bioallegra, a tan is always a stress for the skin and is often the case that only a week of sun, sea, mountain, swimming pool or elsewhere-will be able to erase a year of expensive beauty treatments (conventional or natural ).
So we add as a perfect addition to keep your skin hydrated and to eliminate the aggression of classic cleaners, a bathroom / shower and a mask. This increases the pool of hydration.
dissolve in the tub a few handfuls of corn starch (Maizena) and sprinkle some of your intimate wash (ideally a pH of 4.5 is good but all those sensitive)
Lavatevi semplicemente cosi, eventualmente tamponando con una spugna morbida, senza strofinare.
Alla fine sciacquatevi.
In una ciotola con acqua tiepida stemperate 2-3 cucchiai di Amido di mais e 2 spruzzatine di detergente intimo. Tamponate la pelle con questa miscela, senza strofinare, poi sciacquatevi.
Alla fine del bagno/doccia applicate una crema corpo idratante leggera o un gel idratante. Ripetete l'applicazione dopo qualche ora se notate che la pelle ne ha bisogno.
Maschera idratante viso collo e scollatura
- 1 banana matura a pezzetti
- Half
grated carrots - 1 teaspoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons granular non-GMO soy lecithin (various brands at the supermarket)
- 5 tablespoons (or more, depending on thickness) d ' mountain spring water (to avoid the chlorine of the aqueducts)
- 1 tablespoon oil Scotti rice (with Vitamin E)
Put all the ingredients in a blender until the mixture is homogeneous.
Spread this "cream" on a well cleansed skin. Leave on for 20-30 minutes or more.
Remove and rinse well with warm water.
Do 1 or 2 times a week, both in preparation for the sun, and after the exposure. Contributes to a golden tan and a lot more durable.
to achieve "perfection" would be ideal to wash your skin, after removing the mask, with a "cleaner riacidificante" of the type used in residential design. You can ask the champions or buy a vial from your beautician.
After washing, apply your favorite moisturizer.